Sign DNA
[Dave Simpson]
SignDNA is run by Dave Simpson (Winters, CA). Commercial sign and display fonts, including many scripts, often by Dave Simpson himself. Other designers: - Bob Behounek made ChicagoStyle, NewCity, SantaFe, KedzieLite, Heading Script, Pravda Casual, Pulaski Script, Archer. (This must be in error--there is a contradiction between the web page and the information in the fonts.) In the latest page, these fonts are credited to "Behounek". I can't follow this.
- Paul Martin made Caz Fat, El Sid, Journeyman, WarBird (great signature-type font), RaceCarChisel, FastEddie, Squirt (upright, calligraphic).
- Wm. J. Krupinski designed Bill's Holiday, Cube a Rama, Toon Copy, Med Ved, Toon Block.
- Dan Antonelli created the 3-d fonts Banner Priz, Corinne, Lori Slant, Nicole, Tommy B, Rocinante, Zak, Prizmatic Numbers.
- Mike Stevens made Magic, Stix, Happy Script, Master, ArRoyo, Tahoe, Staton, BigSur, DuVall, BigRed, BigMedicine, Tenor, Phoenix, Vasona.
- Jack Wills made Nitro, Whoa, Brougham, Kreem, Buzz, Daffy Script, Hot Rod, Matilda, Jules Shado, Jules, Brave Heart, Monterey Script, Mr. Charles, Newmann.
- Tramp Designs (Tramp Warner) made Eurolian (techno), Grafix (techno), Metal, Radical, Ripped, Salza, Sawblade, Starbound, Straight Laced, Tramp and Victory.
- Kirby Stafford made Big Boy (2001), Lowered, Pencil Stroke and Whoop T Do.
- Ray Larabie made Mecheria, Silentina, Soap, Tank, Zosma Bold, and Zosma Lite.
- Gary Godby made Monika (script).
- House fonts (by Dave Simpson, I guess): Amazing Grace, American Eagle, Amps, Ands, Andy, Auction Block, Autographic, Automat, Aztec, Banner Heavy, Banner Long n Lean, Big Cheese, Big Kiss, BuckShot, Bull Frog, Bulletin Black, Cadet, CopsRobbers, Crown Title, CrownTitle Priz Wide, Cut Out Script, Daytona Script, Dave the Wave, Deco Roman, Denny, Denny Bold, Dogwood, Downtown, Dragonfly, FiveCents, Golden Eagle, Half Dome Block, Half Dome Script, Heaven, Hell, Hex, Hillbilly Opteamaw, HogWort, Huckelberry, Jade, Kaylon, kaylon Heavy, Lone Wolf, Loose Spokes, los Pintores, Lumax, Lynewood Crakd, Mac, Marcel Dubo, Marcel Jones, Marker Magic, Marvels Navel, Medicine Hat, Miss Kitty, Monika, Nelson ShoCard, Nelson ShoCard Fat, Neon, Neon Script, Neon Tubes, O'Daly, Picasso, Playground, Race Car Casual, Race Way, Raceway Priz, Rosebud, Santa Cruz, Savage, Scriptboy, Shakey Jake, Shoefly, Slope, Smoothy, Snappy, Snappy Thin, Space Patrol, Spatz, Spatz HiLite, Speed Stroke, Street Rod, Stringline, Strout, Sundowner, Swing, Tank, Taylor Caz, Thin Man, Thin Man Bold, Tug Boat, Tys Optimus, Waldo, Woody.
Note: Nick Curtis: Dave Simpson purchased the rights to [Nick Curtis's] Creampuff for $167, and has been selling it for the past 11 years or so as Waldo.
Sign DNA
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