CybaPeeCreations (or: Typoasis)
[Petra Heidorn]
CybaPee is the nom de plume of Petra Heidorn who lives near Hamburg. She has created many typefaces (listed below) between 1997 and 2005 and has cooperated with several type designers on interesting projects. She is undoubtedly best known for her successful web site Typoasis (discontinued in 2016), where one could download her own creations, and those of her many friends. Petra was also heavily involved in several attempts to revive blackletter fonts, in cooperation with Manfred Klein, Dieter Steffmann, Paul Lloyd and others. She organized several revivals of the typefaces of Rudolf Koch and Ernst Schneidler. She also managed the extensive web presence of Manfred Klein. In 2016, she allowed me to host her fonts on my site. Download page. Download all her fonts in one zip file. Her typefaces: - AlphanatismConHeads (2001). Stamped style.
- ArabDancesMediumItalic (2002). An Arabic simulation typeface done with Manfred Klain's assistance.
- Azimech (1999).
- Bauernschrift (2004). After a 1911 typeface from Bauersche Giesserei.
- Bayreuth (2003). A nice scan-version of Bayreuth Fraktur by Ernst Schneidler for C.E. Weber in 1932.
- Bibelschrift (2004). Codesigned with Manfred Klein, Bibelschrift revives a Fraktur from 1926-1928 used by the Bremer Presse, est. 1911. The Bremer Presse was bombed by the Americans in 1944.
- BirthdayGreetz (1999).
- Brahms Gotisch (2005). A blackletter typeface co-designed with Manfred Klein. It is a revival of a 1937 Genzsch&Heyse typeface designed by Heinz Beck.
- Burte Fraktur (2003). After Christian Heinrich Kleukens for the Mainzer Presse, 1928.
- CalliBrush (1999).
- Camouflage (1999). Textured.
- Chaos-Theorie (2000). A Halloween or vampire font.
- Charon (1999). An angry and / or scary typeface.
- Crystopian.
- CursedKuerbis (1999).
- Cyclin (2000). An ironwork font.
- DecoCaps (1999). Ornamental caps.
- DeutscheDruckschrift (2004). A revival of Heinz König's 1888 blackletter typeface for Genzsch&Heyse.
- DeutscherSchmuck (2004). Codesigned with Manfred Klein, this ornamental dingbat font is a revival and extension of the Schmuck für Deutsche Druckschrift by Eduard Ege, Genzsch and Heyse, 1922.
- DiamondDreams (1999). A pearly all caps typeface.
- Ellipsoideogram (2000). An italic headline sans.
- Epitough (1999). A sans.
- Extemplary (1999).
- Funtastique (1999). An exagerrated, almost bubbkly, art nouveau typeface.
- Gondoliere (2000). A light-hearted poster typeface.
- Gotika (2005). After Reiner's 1933 blackletter typeface for Bauer.
- Greex (1999). A Greek emulation typeface.
- Hans Sachs Gotisch (2005). Based on a typeface by that name of Albert Auspurg, 1911, Genzsch&Heyse.
- Hartwig-Schrift (2005). A blackletter typeface that revives Hartwig Poppelbaum's Hartwig Schrift from 1927-1928.
- Hasenchartbreaker (1999). A handcrafted typeface.
- Heimat (2005). After Wilhelm Weimar's Heimat from 1917, Genzsch&Heyse.
- HelvAssim (1999). A naughty take on Helvetica to needle Linotype.
- Hohenzollern (2004). Based on Carl Albert Fahrenwaldt's blackletter typeface for Bauersche Giesserei, 1902.
- HollandGotisch (2005). Designed together with with Manfred Klein, this is a revival of the textura typeface Nederduits (aka Fleischmann Gotisch) by Johann Michael Fleischmann, ca. 1750.
- InkyDinky (1999).
- IsleOfTheDead (1999). An angular handcrafted typeface reminiscent of the movie titling of Dr. Caligari.
- Jaecker-Schrift (2005). Revival of the 1912 blackletter typeface by Wilhelm Jaecker for D. Stempel.
- Kleukens-Fraktur (2004). A Schwabacher based on a design by Friedrich Wilhelm Kleukens, 1910.
- KrasniFellows (1999). An old Slavonic emulation typeface.
- KuehneRevised (2003). A blackletter typeface.
- LadyIce-Italic, LadyIce-SmallCaps, LadyIce, LadyIceRevisited, LadyIceRevisitedUpper. An organic monoline sans typeface family developed together with Apostrophe.
- Leibniz-Fraktur (2003). A Schwabacher typeface based on a house font at Genzsch & Heyse, 1912.
- LeontineLoew. A warm and plump informal typeface.
- LightBats (1999). Dingbats.
- Lupinus (1999).
- Lurzing-Initials (1997). A decorative caps typeface based on a 1908 typeface by Karl Lürzing that depicts naked figures.
- Manuskript Gotisch (2004). A revival of a 1514 Textura typeface by Wolfgang Hopyl, which was a house typeface at the Bauersche Giesserei in 1899.
- ModerneSchwabacher (2005). After a ca. 1900 typeface by the Otto Weisert foundry called Moderne Halbfette Schwabacher.
- MonkeyHouseParty (2001).
- MothproofScript (1999). A calligraphic typeface. The name is a take on frostmoth, one of Petra Heidorn's early aliases.
- MuseAsis (2002). Artsy fartsy.
- Napapiiri (1999).
- Neudeutsch (2004). After a 1900 original by Otto Hupp for Genzsch&Heyse.
- NeueFraktur, NeueFrakturExtraBold (2004). Revivals of typefaces by Johannes Wagner Schriftgiesserei in 1927.
- NinjaLine (2000). An outlined graffiti typeface.
- Nordland (2005). Based on a typeface by Heinz Beck for Trennert&Sohn, 1935.
- Oetztype (1999). German expressionist. Named after the Tyrolian Iceman, Oetzi.
- Oktoberfest (1999).
- Pachyderm (1999). A nice ultra-fat typeface.
- PeesCelticItalic, PeesCelticPlain, PeesCelticOutline (1999). Ornamental Celtic caps.
- Pegypta, Pegyptienne (1999). Hieroglyph-inspired typewriter fonts.
- PostmoderneFraktur (1999).
- Rammstein (1999). A tall condensed typeface.
- ResPublica (2000).
- RoteFlora (1999). Garffiti style typeface.
- RoyalGothic (1999). A swashy set of initials.
- SadLisa. A kitchen tile font designed to support Lisa Jenkins in a copyright battle.
- Sagittarius (1999). An arrowed typeface.
- SailingJunco (1999). A stencil typeface.
- Scalper-Bold, Scalper, ScalperInk (2001). Grunge style.
- SchmalfetteGotisch (2004). Codesigned with Manfred Klein, this semi-Textura typeface is based on a type of Ernst Schneidler.
- SchneidlerInitialen (2004). After F.H.E. Schneidler.
- Schneidler Schwabacher (2004). After F.H.E. Schneidler.
- SchwabachDeko (2005). This is Verzierte Schwabacher by Carl Kloberg, Leipzig, 1891. In 2005, Petra co-designed a similar revival of Verzierte Schwabacher with James Arboghast, simply called Verzierte Schwabacher. Her SchwabachDeko attempted to be as close as possible to the original.
- Scoglietto (1999). A text typeface.
- SerpentisBlack (2004). Digitization of a typeface by E.W. Tieffenbach for Officina Serpentis, 1913. This in turn is based on a Gotico-Antiqua by Peter Schoeffers (Mainz, 1462) which was refined in the late 15th century by Creussner and Koberger.
- SlimlinerMicro (1999).
- Smoke-Rasterized-Medium (2001). Degraded and textured.
- SoftAutumn (1999).
- Stoertebeker (1999). A mediaeval typeface with a rough outline.
- SunnySide (2000).
- Symphonie (2005). A digitization of Imre Reiner's Symphonie from 1938 (renamed Stradivarius in 1945).
- TaraType (1999). A lapidary typeface named after Petra's friend, Sabine Taranowski.
- Teutonia (2004). Based on a typeface by Roos & Junge, ca. 1900.
- TipTop (2004). Based on a typeface from Schriftgiesserei Julius Klinkhardt, Leipzig, ca. 1900. Virtually identical to Teutonia.
- ToolTime (1999). Dingbats.
- TypesourceFanclub (2001). A heavy semi-slab serif.
- Urdeutsch (2004). A rounded blackletter typeface based on Urdeutsch (1924-1925, Adolf Heimberg for Genzsch&Heyse).
- Vogeler Caps (2002). Based on Heinrich Vogeler's decorative blackletter caps typeface Jugendstil Initialen (1905).
- Weiss-Gotisch (2004). A revival of E.R. Weiss's typeface by that name, published in 1936 at the Bauersche Giesserei.
- WelcomeY2K (2000). A casual typeface.
- XmasTerpiece, XmasTerpieceSwashes (2001). A Fraktur font based on Rhapsodie by Ilse Schuele.
Dafont link. Klingspor link. Fontspace link.
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CybaPeeCreations (or: Typoasis)
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Dingbats (original) ⦿
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Calligraphic typefaces ⦿
Ornamental caps typefaces ⦿
Blackletter fonts ⦿
Kitchen tile fonts ⦿
Arabic simulation typefaces ⦿
Manfred Klein ⦿
Brush script typefaces ⦿
German type scene ⦿
Bastarda / Bâtarde / Schwabacher ⦿
Graffiti fonts ⦿
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Art Nouveau typefaces ⦿
Textura ⦿
Bastarda / Bâtarde / Schwabacher ⦿
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Typefaces related to German expressionism ⦿
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Greek simulation fonts ⦿
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Font hosting at On Snot and Fonts ⦿
Arabic simulation typefaces ⦿
Dieter Steffmann ⦿