TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:16:27 EDT 2025






Tilde (was: AG Fonts)

Reinis Ludvik's Riga-based Latvian font design and software development company sells high quality fonts (adapted from Bitstream fonts) for Baltic, Cyrillic, Turkish and Eastern European languages. Includes the AG Baltia fonts by Andrejs Grinbergs. Commercial Cyrillic fonts based on Bitstream fonts.

The Tilde/AG Fonts collection published between 1991-1995 also includes these families designed by Andrejs Grinbergs: AGAalenBold, AGBengaly, AGCenturion, AGCrown, AGFriQUer, AGGalleon, AGGloria, AGLetterica, AGMelanie, AGNewHandbook, AGOpus, AGOpusHR, AGPalatial, AGPresquire, AGReverence, AGZeppelin.

The Bitstream-based collection comprised these typefaces in 2015: Aachen, Aldine 401, Aldine 721, Allegro, Alternate Gothic, Am Beauty, Amazone, Amelia, Americana, Amerigo, Aurora, Baker Signet, Balloon, Baltic Ornaments, Bank Gothic, Baskerville, Bell Centennial, Belwe, Bernhard Fashion, Bernhard Modern, Bernhard Tango, Blippo, Bodoni, Bremen, Broadway, Brunch Pro, Brush 445, Brush 738, Brush Script, Calligraph 421, Candida, Carmina, Cataneo, Caxton, Century Old Style, Cheltenham, Clarendon, Classical Garamond, Cloister Black, Cloister, Commercial Script, Constellation Pro, Cooper, Copperplate Gothic, Davida, Della Robbia, Dom, Egyptian 505, Elegant Garamond, Empire, English 111, English 157, Engravers Gothic, Engravers Old English, Exquisite Pro, Flareserif 821, Flemish Script, Folio, Formal 436, Fraktur, Franklin Gothic, Freehand 471, Freehand 521, Freehand 575, Freehand 591, Futura, Futura Black, Geometric 231, Geometric 415, Geometric 706, Geometric 885, Geometric Slabserif 703, Gothic 720, Gothic 725, Gothic 821 Condensed, Goudy Handtooled, Goudy Heavyface, Goudy Old Style, Handel Gothic, Hobo, Humanist 521, Humanist 531, Humanist 777, Huxley Vertical, Impress, Impuls, Incised 901, Informal 011, Kaufmann, Kette Pro, Kuenstler 480, Lapidary 333, Letter Gothic 12, Liberty, Libra, Lucian, Lydian, Lydian Cursive, Matt Antique, Mirarae, Mister Earl, Monterey, Murray Hill, News 702, News 705, News 706, News Gothic, Nuptial, OCR-B-10, Onyx, Oranda, Orator 10, Original Garamond, Parisian, Park Avenue, Piranesi, Poster Bodoni, Prestige 12, Raleigh, Revue, Ribbon 131, Rigaer Tango Pro, Robusta, Romana, Roundhand, Schadow, Scintilla Pro, Seagull, Serifa, Shotgun, Snow Cap, Snowbird, Square 721, Staccato 222, Staccato 555, Starfighter, Stencil, Swiss 721, Tango, Tourandot Pro, Transitional 521, Transitional 551, Umbra, University Roman, VAG Rounded, Waldorf Pro, Wedding Text, Windsor, Zapf Calligraphic 801, Zapf Elliptical 711, Zapf Humanist 601, Zurich.

MyFonts link where one finds Starfighter TL (2012, a font family for gamers), Snowbird (2011, informally hand-printed family), Constellation Pro (geometric sans family), Kette Pro and Rigaer Tango Pro (calligraphic script).

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Tilde (was: AG Fonts)
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Cyrillic type design ⦿ Eastern European fonts ⦿ Type design in Turkey ⦿ Bengali fonts ⦿ Type design in Latvia ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Caxton ⦿

file name: Tilde Snowbird 2011

file name: Tilde Calligraphic421

file name: Tilde Starfighter T L Pro Medium 2012

file name: Tilde Starfighter T L Std Cond Medium 2012

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html