TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:01:00 EST 2025






Pixilate Designs [Kemie Guaida]

Download the following beautiful handwriting and handprinting fonts made by Mexican designer Kemie Guaida, who lives in Helsingborg, Sweden: Balderas (2002), BlackoutSans (2001), BlackoutSerif (2001), Manita (2001, a simplistic hand, done with Jorge Villalobos), Manita Dingbats (2000), Leonel (based on characters drawn by architect Leonel Terres, 1999-2001), Montreal Architect (1998), Patchanka (2001), Marginal (2001), Soli (1998, with Solange Guaida), OnderBold (2001), Kemie (2001), Rafa (2001), Unicase (2001). Pixel/bitmap typefaces include Antenna8, Antenna10, Antenna11, AntennaSemi, Beachball, Egghead (2002), Gardenias (connected pixel script), Ladybug, Lilabit, Pixilated (2002), Roundabout, Sober, Stoneheart and Unipixel. She was working on the connected script typeface Monolinear (2004). Further typefaces include Lu Px (2004, another architecture's handwriting face), Tokig Px (2012, hand-printed), Rolig Serif Px (2008), Lango Px (2008), Lango Px Thin (2013), Lango Px Fat (2013).

In 2013, Kemie published an ornamented low-contrast sans typeface called Bellota (based on Gesine Todt's Snippet) and the hand-printed Pocket Px, Pocket Swash, and Pocket Serif Px. Bellota and Bellota Text are now downloadable from Google Fonts and Github.

In 2014, Kemie published a warm replacement family for Comic Sans, called Jolly Good Sans. It was expanded in subsequent years and seems especially suited for children's books.

Typefaces from 2015: JollyGood Proper, Pocket Swash Px.

Typefaces from 2016: Raski, JollyGood Sans Condensed, JollyGood Proper Unicase.

Typefaces from 2017: Jolly Good Proper Condensed, Amike (an architectural handwriting font family).

Typefaces from 2018: JollyGood Serif.

Typefaces from 2019: Bookbag (a rounded sans font family for teaching children to read and write), Skriva (a comic book or blueprint script).

Typefaces from 2020: Jolly Good Proper Serif.

Alternate URL. Klingspor link. Creative Market link.

View Kemie Guaida's typefaces.

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Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type design in Mexico ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Unicase type design ⦿ Type design in Sweden ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Comic/cartoon fonts ⦿ Children's handwriting fonts ⦿ Architectural lettering/typefaces ⦿ School fonts ⦿

file name: Pixilate Jolly Good Proper Serif 2020 344477

file name: Pixilate Jolly Good Proper Serif 2020 344480

file name: Pixilate Jolly Good Proper Serif 2020

file name: Kemie Guaida Bookbag 2019 3

file name: Kemie Guaida Bookbag 2019 315655

file name: Kemie Guaida Bookbag 2019 315656

file name: Kemie Guaida Bookbag 2019 315657

file name: Kemie Guaida Bookbag 2019 33

file name: Pixilate Bookbag 2019 315658

file name: Pixilate Bookbag 2019 315659

file name: Pixilate Bookbag 2019 315660

file name: Pixilate Bookbag 2019 315661

file name: Pixilate Bookbag 2019 315662

file name: Pixilate Bookbag 2019

file name: Pixilate Skriva 2019 290453 002

file name: Pixilate Skriva 2019 290454 002

file name: Pixilate Skriva 2019 290458 002

file name: Pixilate Skriva 2019

file name: Kemie Guaida Amike 2017

file name: Pixilate Amike 2016

file name: Kemie Guaida Amike 2017b

file name: Kemie Guaida Amike 2017c

file name: Kemie Guaida Amike 2017d

file name: Kemie Guaida Jorge Villalobos Manita Px 2004

file name: Kemie Guaida Raski 2016 220758

file name: Pixilate Raski 2016 220760

file name: Pixilate Raski 2016

file name: Kemie Guaida Lango Px 2008

file name: Kemie Guaida Lango Px 2013

file name: Kemie Guaida Lango Px Thin 2013

file name: Kemie Guiada Pocket Px 2013

file name: Kemie Guiada Pocket Serif Px 2013

file name: Kemie Guiada Pocket Serif Px 2013b

file name: Kemie Guiada Pocket Swash 2013

file name: Kemie Guiada Jolly Good Serif 2018 261364

file name: Kemie Guiada Jolly Good Serif 2018 261365

file name: Kemie Guiada Jolly Good Serif 2018 261366

file name: Kemie Guiada Jolly Good Serif 2018 261367

file name: Kemie Guiada Jolly Good Serif 2018

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Sans 2014

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Sans 2014c

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Sans 2014e

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Sans Black 2014

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Sans 2014a

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Sans 2014b

file name: Pixilate Jolly Good Sans Condensed 2016 215198

file name: Pixilate Jolly Good Sans Condensed 2016 215200

file name: Pixilate Jolly Good Sans Condensed 2016 215202

file name: Pixilate Jolly Good Sans Condensed 2016 215330

file name: Pixilate Jolly Good Sans Condensed 2016

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper Condensed 2017 239294

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper Condensed 2017 239295

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper Condensed 2017 239317

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper Condensed 2017

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper 2015

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper 2015b

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper 2015c

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper 2015d

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper Black 2015

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper 2015 187362

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper 2015

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper Unicase 2016 197510

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper Unicase 2016 197511

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper Unicase 2016 197513

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper Unicase 2016 197516

file name: Kemie Guaida Jolly Good Proper Unicase 2016

file name: Kemie Guaida Leonel Px 2012

file name: Kemie Guaida Leonel Px 2012b

file name: Kemie Guaida Lu Px 2004

file name: Kemie Guaida Lu Px 2004b

file name: Luis Bolanos Kemie Guiada Lu Px 2004

file name: Kemie Guaida Montreal Architect Px 1998

file name: Kemie Guaida Montreal Architect Px 1998b

file name: Kemie Guaida Montreal Architect Px 1998c

file name: Kemie Guaida Montreal Architect Px 1998d

file name: Kemie Guaida Rolig Serif Px 2008

file name: Solange Kemie Guiada Soli Px 1998

file name: Kemie Guaida Onder Px 2001

file name: Kemie Guaida Patchanka 2001

file name: Kemie Guaida Bellota Text 2020

file name: Kemie Guiada Bellota 2013

file name: Kemie Guaida Tokig 2012

file name: Kemie Guaida Tokig 2012b

file name: Kemie Guaida Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html