TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:17:03 EDT 2025






Manvel Shmavonyan

Moscow-based Armenian type designer (b. 1960, Artashat, Armenia) and graphic artist. In 1984 graduated from the Moscow Poligraphic Institute, department of Polygraphic Product Design. He worked for the Type Department of Committee of Print in Yerevan, and for the publishing houses Ayastan, Luys and Sovetakan Grokh. At Microsoft's request, in 1999, he was consulted for the Armenian section of the Sylfaen project.

Creator of PT Margarit Armenian and Asmik (1997, Armenian, based on PT Petersburg, 1992, by Vladimir Yefimov), available from ParaType, where he is an active type designer. These fonts won awards from the Type Directors Club in 1999.

At ParaType, he also published Propisi Cyrillic + western (1997, a school script family), PT Henman Pictograms (2001, based on Armenian ornaments revived by Henrik Mnatsakanyan), Cooper BT (2000, a Cyrillic version of the Bistream family by the same name), Henman Western, Karolla Western (2002, art nouveau face, based on an alphabet of Lucian Bernhard, 1912), Zagolovochnaya Western (2002, based on a Caslon model from 1725), Haverj Western (2004, flared mini-serifed typeface with an f and a j ready for the paralympics), PT Margarit (1997, based on PT Bodoni by A. Tarbeev), Bardi (2004, Paratype, an extra compressed decorative stenciled typeface based on the lettering created in 1970s by the Armenian type designer Henrik Mnatsakanyan (1923-2001)), Haverj (2004, Paratype, also based on Mnatsakanyan's work), and PT Noah (1997, to accompany Tagir Safayev's PT FreeSet, 1992).

Asmik, and Humanist 531 Cyrillic (the latter co-designed with Isay Slutsker) won awards at Bukvaraz 2001.

In 2007, he designed the text and display family Susan (Paratype; award winner at Paratype K2009), which was named after his wife. Award winner at Granshan 2008.

In 2010, he designed the Ripe Apricot humanist sans family (ParaType). Narevik (2011, Paratype) is a dynamic low contrast design with slightly rounded triangle serifs.

In 2011, he created the free Google Web Font Marmelad, meant for headlines.

Jacques Francois and Jacques Francois Shadow (2012, Cyreal) were co-designed with Alexei Vanyashin. They are revivals of the Enschedé no. 811 type specimen (ca. 1760) by Jacques François Rosart (1714-1774), made for Enschedé Printing House. Free at Google Web Fonts.

Typefaces from 2013: Vaccine (a slab serif family, ParaType). This was followed in 2014 by the humanist Vaccine Sans (2014, with the help of Alexandra Korolkova and Gayaneh Bagdasaryan).

In 2015, he made Levnam (ParaType), a sans with wide proportions for small text.

In 2016, Alexander Lubovenko and Manvel Shmavonyan co-designed the 30-style Latin / Cyrillic workhorse sans typeface family Mediator, which was followed in 2017 by Mediator Serif.

In 2018, Alexandra Korolkova and Manvel Shmavonyan designed Fact at Paratype. Fact is based on Frutiger. The fact type system contains 48 upright styles with variations in width and weight and eight italics of normal width.

Vast (2021, Paratype) is a 56-style sans family, with three variable fonts, by Manvel Shmavonyan and Alexander Lubovenko. Choices are from thin to black and regular to extra wide.

FontShop link. Catalog. MyFonts link. Klingspor link.

Manvel Shmavonyan
 [Designer info]
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Armenian fonts ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Type design in Russia ⦿ Cyrillic type design ⦿ School fonts ⦿ Art Nouveau typefaces ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Caslon ⦿ Triangulated typefaces ⦿ Cooper Black ⦿ Variable fonts ⦿

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Alexander Lubovenko Vast 2021

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Alexander Lubovenko Vast 2021

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Alexander Lubovenko Vast 2021

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Alexander Lubovenko Vast 2021

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Alexander Lubovenko Vast 2021

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Vaccine 2013b

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Vaccine Black 2013

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Vaccine Bold 2013

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Vaccine Sans 2014b

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Vaccine Sans Bold 2014

file name: Alexandra Korolkova Manvel Shmavonyan Fact 2018 279286

file name: Alexandra Korolkova Manvel Shmavonyan Fact 2018

file name: Alexandra Korolkova Manvel Shmavonyan Fact Compressed 2018

file name: Alexandra Korolkova Manvel Shmavonyan Fact Expanded 2018

file name: Para Type Fact 2018 279287

file name: Para Type Fact 2018 279288 002

file name: Para Type Fact 2018 279289

file name: Para Type Fact 2018 279290

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file name: Para Type Fact 2018

file name: Alexander Lubovenko Manvel Shmavonyan Mediator 2016 205205

file name: Alexander Lubovenko Manvel Shmavonyan Mediator 2016 205206

file name: Alexander Lubovenko Manvel Shmavonyan Mediator 2016 205207

file name: Alexander Lubovenko Manvel Shmavonyan Mediator 2016 205208

file name: Alexander Lubovenko Manvel Shmavonyan Mediator 2016 205209

file name: Alexander Lubovenko Manvel Shmavonyan Mediator 2016 205212

file name: Alexander Lubovenko Manvel Shmavonyan Mediator 2016 205213

file name: Alexander Lubovenko Manvel Shmavonyan Mediator 2016

file name: Alexander Lubovenko Manvel Shmavonyan Mediator Black 2016

file name: Alexander Lubovenko Manvel Shmavonyan Mediator Condensed Extra Bold 2016

file name: Para Type Mediator Serif 2017 233520

file name: Para Type Mediator Serif 2017 233522

file name: Para Type Mediator Serif 2017 233523

file name: Para Type Mediator Serif 2017 233524

file name: Para Type Mediator Serif 2017

file name: Alexander Lubovenko Manvel Shmavonyan Mediator Serif 2017a

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Marmelad 2011

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Narevik Bold 2011

file name: Para Type Narevik 2011

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Levnam 2015

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Levnam 2015b

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Levnam Black 2015

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Cooper Black 2000

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Catalog

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Haverj Western 2004

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Karolla Western 2002

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Karolla Western 2002b

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Alexei Vanyashin Jacques Francois 2012 after Jacques Francois Rosart Enschede811 1760

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Alexei Vanyashin Jacques Francois 2012 after Jacques Francois Rosart Enschede811 1760b

file name: Manvel Shmavonyan Zagolovochnaya Western 2002

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html