TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:17:54 EDT 2025
Reasonable Solutions Inc
From the wiki: Reasonable Solutions is a company that, along with Software Labs and Public Brand Software played an important role in the early distribution of shareware. Reasonable Solutions sent out catalogs of disks with several DOS games on each. Their "fonts" have the RS prefix. Dafont link. Fonts, all from the late 80s and early 90s, include Ambrosia, Animals, Arctic, Barcool, BenjaminCaps, Blades, Crillee, Dickens, Fletcher-Gothic, FrankTimes, GenoaItalic, GenoaRoman, Harrington, IglooCaps, Inkwell, Isadora, Landover, LibbyScript, Lumparsky, MachiavelliBld, MaidstoneScript, MiamiNights, Monotony, PCEire, PCEireMedium, PCMira, PCRounders, ParisMetro, RS, RSAlison, RSAndromeda, RSBillsDingbats, RSCanaith, RSCaveman, RSCharlieChan, RSChasline, RSChiTown, RSClassicaHeavy, RSClassicaItalic, RSClassicaRoman, RSCode39, RSCuneiFont, RSDaytona, RSDeusex, RSElGarrett, RSFlintFont, RSFutaruBold, RSFutura, RSGordon, RSGraphicLight, RSHeidleberg, RSJacksonville, RSKathlita, RSLaserLondon, RSLowerEastSide, RSLowerWestSide, RSMacHumaine, RSManzanita, RSMiamiNights, RSMoroma, RSMoromaMedium, RSNewGarrett, RSOswaldGrey, RSParkHaven, RSPhoenix, RSPixie, RSPlaybill, RSPoloSemiscript, RSRichardMurray, RSRiverside, RSRudelsberg, RSSansSerif, RSSharktooth, RSSlabface, RSSlantInf, RSStFrancis, RSStyle, RSStymie, RSTempus, RSTimesMirror, RSToulouseLautrec, RSToyBlock, RSUltraLine, RSUpperEastSide, RSUpperWestSide, RSwwwNet, Riverside, Rsandromed, RsbillsDng, Rsnewgrrtt, SchwarzWald, Shoraei, Silicon, Snowecaps, UltraBlack. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |