TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:18:00 EDT 2025






Rubén Fontana

Argentinian type designer (b. 1942, Buenos Aires). He began his career in the Department of Graphic Design at the Instituto Di Tella, directed by Juan Carlos Distefano. Ruben Fontana introduced typography in the graphic design program at the University of Buenos Aires, where he taught until 1997. Editor of the magazine tipoGráfica, for which he designed the font FontanaND (1998-2002), which won an award at the TDC2 2003 competition. Creator of the serif text family Aura (2003). Designer of La Nación (2001) for the newspaper by that name. Creator of Andralis (2001-2004, Neufville).

He runs Fontana Diseño in Buenos Aires, and is the author of Pensamiento Tipográfico (2003). Biography.

In 2007, he published the organic sans family Chaco Señal, which won an award at Tipos Latinos 2008 in the extensive text family category.

In 2008, Chaco waspublished.

In 2010, he created the multi-style news headline family Palestina. Palestina was published by Tipo.

In 2012, Fontana created the humanist sans family Distefano Sans and the accompanying Distefano Slab. It was named after one of Argentina's most notable graphic designers.

In 2020, Ruben Fontana received the TDC Medal for a lifetime of outstanding contributions to the field of typography.

Rubén Fontana
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type design in Argentina ⦿

file name: Ruben Fontana T D C Medal 2020

file name: Ruben Fontana Fontana N D 2001

file name: Ruben Fontana Andralis N D 2001

file name: Ruben Fontana Andralis N D Bold 2001

file name: Ruben Fontana chaco 09

file name: Ruben Fontana Chaco release2009

file name: Ruben Fontana Aura 2003

file name: Tipo Palestina 2011

file name: Ruben Fontana Palestina 2010

file name: Ruben Fontana Palestina 2010d

file name: Ruben Fontana Palestina Bold 2010

file name: Ruben Fontana Palestina Ultra Black 2010

file name: Ruben Fontana Distefano Sans 2012

file name: Ruben Fontana Distefano Sans Black 2012

file name: Ruben Fontana Distefano Sans Black 2012b

file name: Ruben Fontana Distefano Slab Bold 2012

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html