TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Jan 29 16:44:07 EST 2025
Comicraft (was: Active Images)
[Richard Starkings]
Comicraft was founded by Richard Starkings and John Roshell in 1992. Located in Santa Monica and Los Angeles, they do lettering and design for the comic book industry and make comic book fonts. At one point they were also called Comic Book Fonts. The current presidents are Rita Simpson and Richard Starkings. Alternate URL. T-26 link. Creative Market link. Some fonts: Sanctum Sanctorum (2003), Grandguignol (2003), MagicalMysticalFour (2003), Smash (2003), Aztech, Joe Kubert, Gobbledygook, Meanwhile, Matinee Idol [Nick Curtis has a much nicer script font by the same name, sold by MyFonts], Manganese (Asian-lookalike by Richard Starkings), Altogether OOky (by John Roshell), AbsolutelyFabulous, Achtung Baby (1997, Richard Starkings: a brutalist typeface), Adamantium, Alchemite, AstroCity, AstroCity International, Bithead, BrontoBurger, CarryOnScreaming, Chills, ClobberinTime, Comicrazy, Destroyer, DivineRight, DoubleBack, DutchCourage (1995, an art deco family), Elsewhere (art nouveau), Flameon, Framistat (2000, JG), Frostbite, GrimlyFiendish, Hooky, Hellshock, IncyWincySpider, JimLee, JoeMad, KissAndTell, KissAndTell International (2000, JG), Meltdown, MonsterMash, PhasesOnStun, PulpFiction, ResistanceIs..., RunningWithScissors, SchoolsOut (1999, John Roshell), SezWho/SezYou, SpookyTooth, Spills, Splashdown, StandBy4Action, Stormtrooper, TheStorySoFar, ToBeContinued, Thrills, WildWords, WildWords International, YuleTideLog, Zoinks, ZAP Pack, Digital Delivery, Jeff Campbell (2000, by JG), Los Vampiros, DeadMansChest, Cutthroat International (2000), Rigor Mortis (2000, John Roshell), DangerGirl, Thingamajig, Red Star, Red Square, Drop Case, Too Much Coffee Man, NearMyth, Stonehenge, Golem and SwordsAndSorcerers (medieval or runes fonts). Their monster fonts collection includes MonsterMash, CarryOnScreaming, Chills, GooseBumps, CreepyCrawly, Grimly Fiendish, IncyWincySpider, SpookyTooth, Meltdown and TrickorTreat dingbats. In 2005, MyFonts started selling their collection. Fonts by Starkings include Achtung Baby, Carry On Screaming, Clobberin Time, Flame On, Goosebumps, Grimly Fiendish, Sez, Splashdown. The full font list: Absolutely Fabulous (1999), Achtung Baby (1997), Adam Kubert (2005), Adamantium (1999), Alchemite (1997), Altogether Ooky (1999, vampire script), Area51 (2005, an octagonal typeface with a military stencil)), Astro City (2005), Astronauts In Trouble (2005), Atomic Wedgie (2005), Aztech (2005), Battle Cry (2005), Battle Scarred (2005), Belly Laugh (2005), Biff Bam Boom (2005), Bithead (1997), Blah Blah Blah (2005), Bronto Burger (1996), Carry On Screaming (1996), Chatterbox (2005), Cheeky Monkey (2005), Cheese And Crackers (2005), Chills (1997), Clobberin Time (1995), Comicrazy (1995), Creepy Crawly (2005), Cutthroat (2005), Danger Girl (2005), Dave Gibbons (2005), Dead Mans (2005), Dear Diary (2005), Designer Genes (2005), Destroyer (1999), Digital Delivery (2005), Divine Right (1998), Doohickey (2005), Double Back (1998), Dreamland (2005), Drop Case (2005), Dutch Courage (1995), Elsewhere (1998), Euphoria (2005), Exterminate (1999), Face Front (2005), Flame On (1997), Forked Tongue (2005), Framistat (2005), Frostbite (1997), Girls Girls Girls (2005), Gobbledygook (2005), Golem (2005), Goosebumps (2005), Grande Guignol (2003), Grimly Fiendish (1998), Hedge Backwards (2005), Hellshock (1997), Hooky (1999), Hush Hush (2005), Hyperdrive (2005), Incy Wincy Spider (1996), Jeff Campbell (2005), Jeff Campbell Sketchbook (2005), Jim Lee (1998), Joe Kubert (2005), Joe Mad (1999), Kiss And Tell (1999), Ladronn (2005), Los Vampiros (1999), Manganese (1999), Matinee Idol (2005), Meanwhile (2005), Meltdown (1997), Mike Wieringo (2005), Monster Mash (1997), Near Myth (2005, a grunge face, since 2007 also at T26), Nuff Said (2005), Overbyte (2005), Paranoid Android (2005), Pascual Ferry (2005), Pass The Port (2005), Phases On Stun (1995), Primal Scream (2005), Pulp Fiction (1996), Red Square (2005), Red Star (2005), Resistance Is (1997), Rigor Mortis (2005), Rumble (1994), Running With Scissors (1997), Sanctum Sanctorum (1998), Santas Little Helpers (2005), Schools Out (1999), Sean Phillips (2005), Sentinel (2005), Sez (1998), Shannon Wheeler (2005), Shannon Wheeler (2005), Smash (2005), Snowmany Snowmen (2005), Soothsayer (2005), Spellcaster (2005), Spills (1997), Splashdown (1997), Spookytooth (2005), Stand By4 Action (1997), Stonehenge (2005), Stormtrooper (1997), Thats All Folks (2005), The Story So Far (1998), Thingamajig (2005), Thrills (1997), Tim Sale (1999), Tim Sale Brush (2005), Tim Sale Lower (2005), Timelord (2005), To Be Continued (2005), Too Much (2005), Tough Talk (2005), Treacherous (2005), Trick Or Treat (2005), Wall Scrawler (2005), Wiccan Sans (1999), Wiccan Serif (1999), Wiccan Special (1999, see also T-26), Wild And Crazy (1997), Wild Words (1995), Yada Yada Yada (2005), Yeah Baby (2005), Yuletide Log (1996), Zoinks (2005), Phil Yeh (2006), Zzzap (2006), Battle Damaged (2007), Speeding Bullet (2006), Foom (2007), Letterbot (2007), Timsale (2007), Cutthroat (2007), Framistat (2007), Area 51 (2007, techno, octagonal), CC Comicraft (2007), Ratatat (2008), Mad Scientist (2008), Monologous (2008, T-26), HolierThanThou (2008, T26), Elephantmen (2008, grunge typeface at T26), Storyline (2008, T-26), Primal Scream (2009, T-26), Spillproof (2009, T-26), Sign Language (2008), Moritat (2009, T-26, by John Roshell), Pass The Port (2009, T-26), Credit Crunch (2009), Elsewhere (2009, art nouveau), Code Monkey (2011, monospaced yet informal), Glitter Girl (2011, hand-printed), Rassum Frassum (2011, comic book face), Rocket Man (2011, a retro futuristic family), Spaghetti Western (2011, signage face), Sunrise Till Sunset (2012), Samaritan and Samaritan Tall (2013, with John Roshell). In 2014, John Roshell published the school font Dash To School. Typefaces from 2015: Samaritan Lower (by Richard Starkings and John Roshell), Dusk Till Dawn Buried (expressionist). Typefaces from 2016: Questionable Things (with John Roshell: a question mark font). Typefaces from 2017: Evil Schemes (by Richard Starkings and John Roshell), Regeneration, Obey Obey Obey (by Starkings and Roshell). Typefaces from 2018: Samaritan Tall Lower (by Starkings and Roshell), Blah Blah Upper (by John Roshell and Richard Starkings), Evil Doings (by Richard Starkings and John Roshell). Typefaces from 2020: Elektrakution (a Greek simulation font family by Richard Starkings and John Roshell), This Man This Monster (by John Roshell and Richard Starkings). Typefaces from 2021: Richard Starkings Brush (2021; a comic book typeface by Richard Starkings and John Roshell), Scoundrel (a comic book face by Richard Starkings and John Roshell). Creative Market link. View Comicraft's typefaces. Fontsquirrel link. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |