TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Mar 10 12:04:58 EDT 2025
[Joe Hoffman]
Original display and special occasion fonts by Joe Hoffman and Joel Miller at ScenoGrafica, all designed from 1995-1997, such as Angelou, Autumn, BabysBlocks, BastilleDay, Bugs, Buonarroti, CakeandCandles, CandyCanes, CaptainSmith, Chaucer, ChineseNewYear, ChristmasDay, Cityscape, Clemens, ColumbusDay, Coward, Dante, DayoftheDead, Dinosaurs, Easter, Einstein, FathersDay, Faulkner, Fermi, Fiesta, Fitzgerald, Foster, Halloween, Hanukkah, HappyNewYear, Headliner, HeartsandFlowers, Heller, HollyTime, Jefferson, Keller (sign language face), Kwanzaa, MPrimaryLined, MPrimaryTrainerLined, MPrimaryLined, MPrimaryTrainerLined, Melville, Michener, ModernCursiveTrainerLined, ModernCursiveTrainer, ModernCursive, ModernCursiveLined, ModernCursive, ModernCursiveLined, ModernCursiveTrainerLined, MothersDay, OCasey, OldGlory, Orwell, Paine, Party, Picnic, Pinter, PowWow, PunkinPatch, Quilt, Rainforest, Rand, RoshHashanah, SaintPaddy, Sampler, Scott, Shaw, Simon, Snowcap, Sousa, Spenser, SpringTime, StNicholas (letters in the shape of cozy snowy houses, 1995), StarSpangled, Stockings, SummerBeach, Tarkington, Thanksgiving, ThanksgivingII, Valentine, Valentine1, Waugh, Whitman, Willson, WinterWonderland, Winthrop, Wright, Zola. ScenoGrafica has hundreds of commercial fonts in categories appealing to teachers--many cute fonts and dings, some primary school fonts, some math&science fonts. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |