Bitstream font analogue
Bitstream font name equivalences. The original file, dated 2007, was at, but dispappeared some time ago. Here is that list in text format: Aachen == Charlemagne; Ruhr; Vanadium; Westlake Ad Lib == Alibi Adsans == Ad Gothic; Angro; Humanist 970; News Ad Akzidenz Grotesk == Ad Grotesk; Gothic 725; Grigat; Standard; Wayland Albertus == Adelon; Alburt; Flareserif 821 Aldus == Breklum; Luce; Mannucci Roman Alternate Gothic No.2 == Alpin Gothic; Gothic Amazone == Amazonia; Fredrika Amelia == Computer 651; Orbit; Orea American Text == Blackletter 851; National Text Americana == AM; American Classic; Aston; Colonial; Concord; Flairserif 721; Freedom; Independence Antique No. 3 == Egyptian 710 Antique Olive == Alphavanti; AO; Berry Roman; Gibson Antique; Incised 901; Oliva; Olivanti; Olive; Olive Antique; Oliver; Olivette; Olivette Antique; Olivia; Provence Antique Roman Open == Roman Stylus Antique Roman Shaded == Roman Shaded Arnold Bocklin; Auckland == Bock; Expo; Medusa; Nouveau; Youth; Freeform 715 Asta == Albany; AS; Astro; Aztec; Corolla; Dutch 823 Auriol == Freeform 721; Robur; Skylark Aurora Bold Condensed == Anzeigen Grotesk; Aura; Aurora; Grotesque Condensed Aurora == Empira; News 706; News No.12; News No.2; Polaris; Regal Baker Signet == Keene; Signature; Signatur Vario; Signete Balloon == BL; Freehand 041; Lasso Bank Gothic == Bond Gothic; Commerce Gothic; Deluxe Gothic; Magnum Gothic; Square 021; Stationer's Gothic Baskerville == Baskenland; Baskerline; Basque; Beaumont; BK; Transitional 401 Baskerville No.2 == Euro Baskerville; Transitional 404 Bauer Bodoni == Bodoni B; Euro Bodoni; Headline Bodoni; Modern 405 Bell Centennial == Gothic 762 Bell Gothic == Directory Gothic; Furlong; Gothic 761; Paddock Belwe == Belter; Welby Bembo == Aldine 401; Aldine Roman; Ambo; BE; Bem; Bernstein vario; Bingo; Griffo; Latinesque Berling == Carmichel; Revival 565 Bernhard Modern == Beacon; Bernie; BN; Duchess; Engravers Oldstyle Bernhard Tango == Aigrette; Carmine Tango Bingham Script == Freehand 591 Bison == Bison; Blizzard; Brush 738 Bitstream Alisal == Calligraphic 456 Bitstream Amerigo == Flareserif 831 Bitstream Arrus == Lapidary 721 Bitstream Carmina == Calligraphic 811 Bitstream Charter == Transitional 801 Bitstream Cooper == Freeform 741 Bitstream Fournier == Transitional 601 Bitstream Iowan Old Style == Venetian 801 Bitstream Oz Handicraft == Freehand 701 Bitstream Ventana == Humanist 800 Blippo == Geometric 755 Block == Black; Block; Gothic 821; Hobble Bloc == Geometric 885 Bodoni == BO; Bodoni No. 2; Brunswick; Empiriana; Gorvind; Modern 421 Bodoni Campanile == Modern 735; Palisade Bookman == Bookface; Bookman Antique; Bookprint; Revival 710 Bremen == Exotic 011 Britannic == Gallery; Grenoble Broadway == Big City; BW; Deco; Hudson; Moderne; Modernistic; Ritz; Showtime Brody == Brophy Script Bruce Old Style == Bruce; No. 31; Old Style No.3; Old Style No.7; Revival 704 Brush Script == Bombay; BR; Brush; Brilliant Bold Script; Brush 451; Punch Cable == Geometric 231; Kabel; Kabello; Kobel Caledonia == Calderon; Caledo; California; Cornelia; Edinburgh; Gael; Gemini; Highland; Laurel; Transitional 511 Candida == Candide Cascade == Freehand 471; Kascade Script Caslon 540 == Caslon 74; CL; Caslon 2; Caslon 484; Caslon 485 Caslon Bold == Caslon No. 3; New Caslon; Caslon 74 Bold Caslon Old Face == Caslon Old Style; Caslon; Caslon 128; Caslon 471; Caslon 76 Cataneo == Chancery 731 Centaur == Arrighi; Centaurus; Venetian 301 Century Expanded == Century Light/II; Century X; Cambridge Expanded; CE; Century; Century Bold Century Oldstyle == Cambridge Oldstyle Century Schoolbook == Century Text; Century Textbook; CS; Schoolbook; Cambridge Schoolbook; Century Medium; Century Modern Chapel Script == Mahogany Script; Monterey Cheltenham Old Style == Cheltonian; Chesterfield; Gloucester; Kenilworth; Nordhoff; Sorbonne; Winchester Choc == Staccato 555 City == Square Slabserif 711; Town Clarendon == Clarique; Clarion; Cerebral Cloister Black == Abbey; Cloister Black Codex == Calligraphic 421 Concorde == Dutch 809; Chinchilla; Concert Cooper Black == Bitstream Cooper; Burlesque; Coop; CP; Ludlow Black; Pabst; Plymouth; Rugged Black Copperplate Gothic == Atalante; Copperplate; Formal Gothic; Gothic No.29; Gothic No.30; Gothic No.31; Gothic No.32; Gothic No.33; Lining Plate Gothic; Mimosa; Spartan Corona == Aquarius; Cardinal; CR; Crown; Elmora; Ideal; Koronna; News 705 BT; News No.3; News No.5; News No.6; Nimbus; Quincy; Royal; Scotsman Royal; StarNews; Vela Coronet == Pageant; Ribbon 131 Courier == Messenger Davida == DaVinci De Vinne == Congressional; Industrial 731 Della Robbia == Cantoria; Canterbury; Dahila; Firenze; Westminster Old Style Diotima == Calligraphic 810; Diotima Dom Casual == Ad Bold; Brush 431; Brush Roman; Dom Casual; Polka Eckmann == Freeform 710 Egyptian 505 == Egyptios; Egypt 55 Egyptienne == Humanist Slabserif 712; Egyptien Electra == Avanta; Elante; Illumna; Selectra; Transitional 521 Embassy == Boston Script; Florentine Script; Hellana Script; Script No.1; Script No.2 Englische Schreibschrift == English 157; English Script Engravers' Old English == Old English; Old English Text Engravers' Roman == Lining Litho Engravers Roundhand == Roundhand No. 1; Signet Roundhand; Snell; Snell Roundhand Eurostile == Aldostyle; Astron; ES; Eurogothic; Europa; Gamma; Micro; Microstyle; Square 721; Waltham Excelsior == Angeles; Berlin; Camelot; Commerce No.1; Commerce No.2; Digi-Antique; Esquire; EX; Excel; Excella; League Text; News 702; News No.10; News No.14; Opticon; Paragon; Primus; Victoria Fairefax; Fairfield == Fairmont; Savant; Transitional 551 Financial == Letter Gothic Folio == Haverhill Fraktur == German Gothic Franklin Gothic == Gothic No.16; Pittsburgh Frutiger == CG Frontiera; Concorde; Freeborn; Humanist 777; Provencale; Roissy; Siegfried Fry's Baskerville == Baskerville Display; Baskerville F; Baskerville Old Face; Transitional 409 Futura == Alphatura; Atlantis; FU; Future; Photura; Sirius; Utica Gando == Gando Ronde Garamond == Aldine 511; American Garamond; Canberra; Carrera; Garamond No.2; Garamond No.3; Garamond No.49; Garamont; GD; Grenada Gill Sans == Eric; Gillies; Glib; Graphic Gothic; Hammersmith; Humanist 521; Sans Serif 2 Gothic No.13 == Gothic No.4 Goudy Old Style == Grecian; Number 11; Goudy; Goudy Bold; Goudy Extra Bold Granjon == Elegant Garamond; Garamont Premier; Grandeur Grotesque 126 == Gothic 720 Hanseatic == Swiss 924; Geneva 2 Hanoverian; Helvetica Compressed == Helvetica Pressed; Spectra Compressed; Swiss 911; Claro Compressed; Geneva 2 Compressed; Helios Compressed Helvetica Inserat == Swiss 921; Geneva 2 Sera; Geneva Inserat; Helios Inserat Helvetica Monospaced == Monospace 821 Helvetica == Aristocrat; CG Triumvirate; Claro; Corvus; Europa Grotesk; Geneva/2; Hamilton; HE; Helios/II; Helv; Helvette; Holsatia; Megaron/II; Newton; Spectra; Swiss 721; Vega; Video Spectra Hobo == Hobnob; Tramp Imperial == Bedford; Emperor; Gazette; New Bedford; News No.4; Taurus Imprint == Period Old Style; Dutch 766 Impuls == Impuls; Brush 439 Ionic No. 5 == Ionic-326; Ionic/2; News 701; News Text Medium; Rex; Windsor; Zar; Corinth; Doric; Ionic 342; Dow News; Ideal; Regal Italian Script == Lorraine Script; Lucia ITC American Typewriter == Amertype; AT; Newriter; Typewriter 911 ITC Avant Garde Gothic == AG; Avanti; Cadence; Geometric 711; Suave; Vanguard ITC Bauhaus == BH Geometric 752 ITC Benguiat Gothic == BT; Informal 851 ITC Benguiat == Beget; BG; Revival 832 ITC Berkeley Oldstyle == Venetian 519 ITC Bolt Bold == Square 821 ITC Bookman == Revival 711; Bookman; BM ITC Busorama == Geometric 075; Omnibus; Panorama; ITC Century == Centrum ITC Galliard == Seville ITC Garamond == Garamet ITC Kabel == Kabot ITC Korinna == Kordova ITC New Baskerville == Transitional 402 ITC Serif Gothic == Line Gothic ITC Souvenir == Sovran; SV ITC Tiffany == Jewel ITC Zapf Chancery == Chancelor Janson == Jason; Journal; Kis; Kis-Janson; Nikis; Dayton; Jan/Dutch Jefferson == Freehand 575 Kaufmann == Swing Bold; Tropez Liberty == Bernhard Cursive; Bernhard Schonschrift; Lotus; Viant Libra == Libretto; Libby Uncial Life == Fredonia Linotype Modern == Modern 880; Telegraph Modern London Text == Belvedere; Blackletter 686 Lydian Cursive == Granite Cursive; Lisbon Cursive Lydian == Granite; Lisbon Madison == Century 725 Mandate == Command; Freehand 521 Matt Antique == Garth Graphic Melior == Ballardvale/2; CG Melliza; Hanover/II; Lyra; Mallard; Matrix; ME; Medallion; Metrion; Uranus; Ventura; Vermilion; Zapf Elliptical Memphis == Alexandria; Cairo; Geometric Slabserif 703; Nashville; Pyramid Meridien == Zenith; Equator; Latin 725; Latine; Maximal Metro == Chelsea; Geometric 415; Gothic No.2; Gothic No.3; Megamedium; Meteor Mirarae == Calligraphic 808 Mister Earl == Freehand 651 Mistral == Aeolus; Missive; Staccato 222; Zephyr Script Neuland == Othello; Informal 011 Neuzeit Grotesk == Genneken; Geometric 706; Grotesk S News Gothic == Alpha Gothic; CG Trade; Classified News; Gothic Bold-131; Gothic No.17; Gothic No.18; Gothic No.19; Gothic No.20; Gothic-130; Lightline Gothic; Record Gothic; Toledo; Trade Gothic Nuptial Script == Bridal Script; Floridian Olympian == Olympus; Dutch 811 Ondine == Formal Script 421; Mermaid Onyx == Arsis; Onyx; Poster Bodoni Compressed Optima == Athena; CG Omega; Chelmsford/II; Musica; October; OP; Optimis; Optimist; Oracle/II; Orleans; Roma; Ursa; Zapf Humanist; Zenith Oscar == Formal 436 Palatino == Andover/II; CG Palacio; Compano; Elegante; Malibu/2; Paladium; Palatine; Palermo; Parlament; Patina; Pontiac; Zapf Calligraphic Palette == Brush 445; Palette Park Avenue == Parkway; PA Peignot == Exotic 350; Monterey; Penyoe Perpetua == Felicity; Lapidary 333; Percepta; Perpetual Piranesi Italic == Minuet Plantin == Aldine 721; Atlantic; PL; Planet; Plantin Poster Bodoni == Bodoni Extrabold/No. 2; Modern 721 Prestige == Prestige Elite Primer == Rector; Scholasta; Century 751; Premier; Bancroft Profil == Decorated 035 Raleigh == Cartier Rockwell == Slate; Geometric Slabserif 712; Rockland Romana == Romanisch; De Vinne; De Vinne Ornamental; French Old Style; Lorimer; Romaans Sabon == Berner; Classical Garamond; September; Sybil/2; Symposia Serifa == Seriverse; Sierra; Monty; Seraphim Shelley == Operinia Simoncini Garamond == Garamond Simoncini; Garamondus; Italian Garamond; Spartan == Technica; Techno; Times Gothic; Twentieth Century; Geometric 212; Sans; Sparta Star Trek == Square 051 Stempel Garamond == Euro Garamond; Garamond; Garamond Antiqua; Garamond Royale; Original Garamond Stempel Schneidler == Amalthea; Bauen Schrift; Bauer Text; Brewer Text; Kohinoor; Schneidler; Schneidler Old Style Stuyvesant == Wintergreen Stymie == ST Syntax == Synthesis; Cintal; Humanist 531; Symphony; Synchron Textype == Century 731 Times Roman == TmsRmn; TR; Varitimes; Claritas; Dutch 801; English; English 49; English Times; Euro Times; London Roman; Pegasus; Press Roman; Sonoran Serif; Tempora; Tiempo; Timeless; Times New Roman Torino == Contessa; Galileo; Industrial 736; Loren Trump Mediaeval == Activa; Ascot; Continental; Knight; Kuenstler 480; Mediaeval; Olympus; Renaissance; Saul Typo Upright == French Script; Interscript; Kaylin Script; Linoscript; Parisian Ronde Umbra == Durante; Meandme; Plastica Univers == Alphavers; Aries; Boston; Eterna; Galaxy; Kosmos; Swiss 742; UN; Versatile; Zurich University Roman == Ace; Celtic; Collegette; Forum Flair; Opera; Orna; Stunt Roman Wedding Text == Linotext; Marriage Windsor == Winslow
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