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Schriftgiesserei Eduard Haenel [Eduard Gustav Haenel]

Schriftgiesserei Eduard Haenel is a Berlin-based foundry operational in the 1840s, run by Eduard Haenel (b. 1804, Magdeburg, d. 1856, Berlin), who was a type founder and book printer. His life's story. His father Christian Jacob Haenel had a printing shop since 1798 in Magdeburg, the Hänelsche Hofbuchdruckere, which Eduard took over in 1824 after his father's death. In 1830, he started also some typefounding, and slowly started operating in Berlin as well. He let his staff cut many vignettes, ornaments, ornamental typefaces and typefaces, and imported many English and French types. The Magdeburg office burnt down, and Eduard moved completely to Berlin, where he worked until selling the business in 1852 to Carl David. The Magdeburg Druckerei continued with Eduard's brother and his sons until 1945 as the Magdeburger Qualitätsdruckereien. Eduard made the so-called Fette Haenel-Fraktur (ca. 1840), specially designed for headlines. He also cut Haenel Antiqua.

Haenel-Fraktur was digitized by many, including Ralph Unger (who made Haenel-Fraktur in 2011), Walden Font (with Fette Haenel Fraktur), and Dieter Steffmann (2000; as Fette Haenel Fraktur). Haenel Antiqua was revived by Gerhard Helzel and separately, in 2020, by Ralph Unger.

In 2017, Pierre Pané-Farré (Forgotten Shapes) set out to revive some poster typefaces by Eduard Haenel. These include:

  • Breite-Fette Antiqua FSL (2017): Breite-Fette Antiqua FSL is the digital re-issue of an unidentified display typeface which---from ca. 1850 onwards---was part of the type case in the printing workshop of Oskar Leiner in Leipzig. It can not be said whether it was a custom-made design or if the typeface was distributed commercially by a foundry.
  • Doppel-Mittel Egyptienne FSL (2017): Doppel-Mittel Egyptienne FSL is the digital re-issue of Doppel-Mittel Egyptienne by Eduard Haenel, Magdeburg. It was advertised 1833 in "Schrift- und Polytypen-Probe. Zweite Lieferung. Blatt 25-72." and again 1834 in "Neueste Lettern", a supplement to the "Journal fuer Buchdruckerkunst." Doppel-Mittel Egyptienne itself was a re-casting of Two-Line English Egyptian No. 1 originally shown in 1821 by William Thorowgood, London.
  • Schmale Egyptienne N.12 FSL (2017). By Pierre Pané-Farré: Schmale Egyptienne N.12 FSL is the digital re-issue of Schmale Egyptienne No. 12, 28 Cicero Kegel advertised in 1841 in "Proben der Affichen-Schriften von Eduard Haenel. Berlin."

References: Schriftgiesserei, Schriftschneiderei und Graviranstalt (1847, Eduard Haenel), a 490-page book of type specimens.

Schriftgiesserei Eduard Haenel
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Foundries of the 19th century ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Nick Curtis ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Dieter Steffmann ⦿

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Doppel Mittel Egyptienne 2017 after Eduard Haenel 1833

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Doppel Mittel Egyptienne 2017 after Eduard Haenel 1833

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Doppel Mittel Egyptienne 2017 after Eduard Haenel 1833

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Schmale Egyptienne No12 2017 after Eduard Haenel 1841

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Schmale Egyptienne No12 2017 after Eduard Haenel 1841

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Schmale Egyptienne No12 2017 after Eduard Haenel 1841

file name: Pierre Pane Farre Schmale Egyptienne No12 2017 after Eduard Haenel 1841

file name: Ralph Unger Haenel Antiqua 2020 367984

file name: Ralph Unger Haenel Antiqua 2020 367985

file name: Ralph Unger Haenel Antiqua 2020 367986

file name: Ralph Unger Haenel Antiqua 2020 367987

file name: Ralph Unger Haenel Antiqua 2020 367988

file name: Ralph Unger Haenel Antiqua 2020

file name: Ralph M Unger Haenel Fraktur 2011b after Eduard Gustav Haenel 1840

file name: Ralph M Unger Haenel Fraktur 2011

file name: Eduard Haenel Affichen Schriften 1842

file name: Eduard Haenel Affichen Schriften 1842

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html