TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:19:30 EDT 2025







Type distribution company that was founded in March 2003 by Jayne Moschella in New York City. Its (now defunct) URL was http://www.snapfonts.com. It was shut down after complaints from various sources after it renamed existing fonts. The typefaces sold by SnapFonts were made by a variety of designers (not named on the web page).

A list of (mostly fifties style) fonts that could be found on their site: Boltimore, Factor Max, Pop's Type, Retro Clips, Soho, ToyType, Cowboy Angels, Snappy, Lollipop, Suffragette, Brighton, Chelsea, Liverpool, Carnaby Street, Kings Road, Piccadilly, Mersey, Portobello, Regent Street, Manchester, Belair, Jaguar, Cruiser, Stingray, Pink Caddy, Mini, Woody, Riviera, Mustang, Metropolitan, Happy Motoring Clips, Abandonado, CheerDown, DevilInHerHeart, FeverInFeverOut, GenericGirl, Georgia, LaVidaLoca, LessThanZero, RideSallyRide, Seven, ShyFatBoy, SnapOMatic, Woof, YoursSincerely, Big Easy, Bourbon Street, Cajun, Crawfish, Creole, French Quarter, Gumbo, Remy, Zydeco, Clifton Chenier, Benjamin, Color of Money, Euro, Fifty Xu, Galileo, Hell Notes, JFK Font, Sri Lanka, Two Pounds, Yen, Incense&Peppermints, Jeepster, Maria, Prebby Enough, Rent, Survive, Then Year Lie, Thirteen, Time ot Season, Time's Changin', Book of Love, Betrayal, Honor, Judas Mon Coeur, Kiss, Lovers&Liars, PPSI, Tattooed Fingers, Three Cigarettes, True Love Ways.

Comments on Typographica: "Are these meant to be original fonts? On this page alone I can see Benguiat Frisky renamed "Metropolitan", House Industries' "Strike!" cunningly disguised as "Woody", and "ITC Anna" masquerading as "Cruiser". Amongst others. (Say, isn't that Brush Script?) Following a couple of links, I see that I can purchase all of these fonts, despite the egregious flouting of copyright laws. [...] They seem to have a good grasp of the import, transformation and weight-change functions in Fontographer (and little else). [...] This Snapfonts thing contains a boatload of crude knockoffs of commercial fonts-Murray Hill, Coronet, TF Avian, and others." So far for Typographica. I only disagree with the Murray Hill comment by John Butler: Elsner&Flake, ICG, Bitstream and others have versions of Murray Hill--can John Butler give us a list of the knockoffs among these, and devote equal time to all knockoffs?

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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type scene in New York ⦿ David and Goliath ⦿ Type parasites ⦿

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html