Typeforum's best fonts
Typeforum presents the best fonts in the world. Ingo Preuss' list: - Anything from DTL, but in particular DTL Prokyon (Erhard Kaiser), DTL Documenta (Frank E. Blokland), DTL Elzevir (Gerard Daniels), and DTL Albertina (Chris Brand).
- Gentium (Victor Gaultney).
- Finnegan (Jürgen Weltin).
- Swift (Gerard Unger).
- Palatino (Hermann Zapf).
- Optima Nova (Hermann Zapf and Akira Kobayashi).
- Frutiger Next (Linotype).
- Many fonts from Psy/Ops, in particular Perceval (Michel Valois), Raykjavik (Stefan Kjartansson and Rodrigo Xavier Cavazos), Aperto (Paul Veres), Serus (Todd Masui), Leyden (Lars Bergquist), Aquamarine (Gábor Kóthay), and Eidetic Modern and Neo (Rodrigo Xavier Cavazos).
- Mrs. Eaves (Zuzana Licko).
- Democratica (Miles Newlyn).
- Fedra (Peter Bilak).
- FS Albert (Jason Smith, 2002).
Jakob, another reader, adds to this list some basic text fonts: - All fonts from Storm Type Foundry.
- From The Foundry: Foundry Sans, Sterling, Monoline, Gridnik.
- Jigsaw (Typotheque).
- Rayuela (Pampa Type).
- Stainless (Font Bureau).
- Tabula (ITC).
- FF Parango, FF Atma, FF Celeste, Ff Quadraat, FF Scala, FF Kievit.
- Syntax.
- Avenir.
- Rialto dF (DFType).
- From Underware, Dolly, and the upcoming "Stool".
- Today Sans or its clone, Cronos.
The interesting discussion ends with yet another reader adding some sans typefaces (Fago C, Foundry Form Sans, FF DIN, Triplex) and some serif typefaces (Corporate A, Foundry Form Serif), The Antiqua B, Sauna).
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Choice of fonts ⦿
Elzevir ⦿