TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:19:42 EDT 2025
Scrappinfun Fonts
[Shellie Hubbartt]
Shellie Hubbartt (Scrappinfun Fonts) designed the following hand-printed typefaces between 2002 and 2004: Bathingcap, Becks, Beedey, Betsystype, Books, Copycat, Dazzle, Denasprint, Farrah, Fatcat, Girlygirl, Holiday_Serif, Janelleshand, Jills-jills, Joanneshand, Jodis-hand, Julies, Juliesfancypants, Laurieshand, Loverly, Marcishand, Marjorieshand, Michele, Moseley, Oopie's-Ma, Pops2, Printly, SF-Alexa, SA-Boston-Blvd, SA-Boxed-in, SA-Caustic, SA-Eroded-Heart, SA-Flutter, SA-Heart-Strings, SA-Krazy4Scraps, SA-Painted, SA-Serif, SA-Apricots, SA-Cinta, SA-Dots, SA-Inkspot, SA-Patrotic, SA_Cacti, SA_Fussy, SA_Kiss, SF-Barbara, SF-Bobbi2, SF-Cecilys, SF-Happiness, SF-Heather, SF-JWoodbury, SF-Jojo2, SF-Karens, SF-Karens-Cali, SF-Kats, SF-Lea, SF-Mike, SF-notebook, SF-Snapdragon, S-Uneven, Sandyshand, Serafina, shells, Sherlon, Straight_up, Straight_up_wide, TeacherKim, Terentino, Typeset, Wishes, carolynsprint, cathy, danas-font, funfont, funkyfun, janellescript, lauralinda, mimi, prehistoric, quotes-varies, rsfont, sharonshand, shellie, sloppy, stringbean. Older fonts that are no longer there: AnythingGoes, Ice Caps, IDOS_spidery, Ipolani, Leaves, Shellstall, anythinggoeswild, bhfrilly, bhplayful, crafty, meathead, spider, Uneven, Snowfall, Prehistoric, Elegant, Pumpkin. Dafont link. Some of the typefaces were made by Shellie Hubbartt. Dafont link. Fontspace link. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |