TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:20:05 EDT 2025
The Price is Right Font Archive
[David Frangioso]
The Price is Right Font Archive is an archive of fonts also used on TV game shows. There are also original fonts, specially created for the site: from David Frangioso, we have 3Strikes, AnyNumber (LED style face), BuyorSell, DiceGame, FlippyFloppy, HiLo (stencil), Optional, Pathfinder, Plinko2000 (2004), Punchboard, SecretX, ThatsTooMuch. These were all made in 2003, except where indicated. We also find these fonts by Jay Lewis, made in 1999: EggCrate, RangeGame, SportsType, VaneI. The full list in the archive: 3Strikes, ATROX-normal, AntiqueOliNorP-Regu, AnyNumber, Arcane, AuroraBT-RomanCondensed, Banco, BroadwayBT-Regular, BudmoJiggler, BudmoJigglerBold, Businko, BuyorSell, CACLaskoEvenWeight, City-Bold-Bold, Clarendon, ClassicLuckySevenNumbers, Collegiate-Norm, Compstyle, Cookie, CooperBT-Black, CooperBT-BlackItalic, Cupertino, DavidaBoldBT-Regular, DiceGame, Digiface, Dolphins, DomCasual, EggCrate, EurostileTBlack, EyeDrops, FlamencoD, FlippyFloppy, FrankfurterD, Fusion, Glopentine-Bold-Bold, GoudyHandtooledD, HiLo, HotTamale, Impact, Incised901BT-Black, KaufmannBT-Bold, Logger-Regular, LowWe-Regular, Marlboro, OcrA-Regular, OldTowneNo536D, Olympia-HeavyIta, Optional, Ottoman-Bold, PT-BananaSplit, Pathfinder, Plinko2000, Pricedown, Punchboard, Pythagoras, RangeGame, RodeoRegular, SavedByZero, SecretX, Signature-Regular, Slicker, SportsType, Stilla, Swiss721BT-BoldCondensedOutline, Swiss721BT-Roman, Swiss721BT-RomanCondensed, ThatsTooMuch, Tonight, Traffic, Tudor-Semi-Lite, VAGRoundedBT-Regular, VaneI. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |