TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:20:32 EDT 2025






Monotype Imaging Inc

In 2004, Monotype Imaging Inc was created when TA Associates bought Agfa-Monotype from Agfa. Its headquarters are in Woburn, MA. Agfa had bought the previous incarnation of Monotype in 1998. Before that, Agfa, a well-known photographic film, chemicals and paper manufacturer and Bayer subsidiary, entered the typography scene in 1982 by acquiring an interest in Compugraphic Corporation, the American phototypesetter company. From the press release: Based in Wilmington, MA, with regional offices in the U.K., Chicago, Redwood City, Calif., Japan and China, Monotype Imaging provides fonts and font technologies to graphic professionals, software developers and manufacturers of printers and display devices. Formerly Agfa Monotype Corp., the company also provides print drivers and color imaging technologies to OEMs (original equipment manufacturers). Monotype Imaging is home to the Monotype typeface library, a collection that includes widely used designs such as the Arial, Times New Roman and Gill Sans typeface families (now in OpenType in 21 weights). Monotype Imaging offers fonts and industry-standard solutions for most of the world's written languages. Information about Monotype Imaging and its products can be found on the company's web sites at www.monotypeimaging.com, www.fonts.com, www.monotypefonts.com, www.customfonts.com, www.fontwise.com, www.itcfonts.com and www.faces.co.uk. [...] Robert M. Givens remains as president and chief executive officer of the company. [...] Senior vice presidents Doug Shaw and John Seguin of Monotype Imaging have been named to its board of directors along with Givens and Johnston. Jonathan Meeks, a principal at TA Associates, has also joined the board. Dave McCarthy remains as vice president and general manager of Printer Imaging, and Al Ristow continues as vice president of engineering. The senior management team of Monotype Imaging also includes Jeff Burk, vice president of finance, Geoff Greve, vice president of type development, John McCallum, managing director of Monotype Imaging Ltd., David DeWitt, general manager of the U.S. consumer division, and Pattie Money, director of human resources.

In 2006, Monotype Imaging acquires Linotype, one of the last truly dedicated and honest large type companies. In 2007, Doug Shaw succeeds Robert M. Givens as president and chief executive officer. In 2010, Monotype acquires Ascender. In 2011, Monotype buys Berthold Types, Bitstream and MyFonts.

Images of their best-selling typefaces in 2011: i, ii, iii. Full catalog of Monotype's typefaces [large web page warning]. View the Monotype typeface library.

Monotype Imaging Inc
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Commercial foundries ⦿ Type scene in Massachusetts ⦿ Type design in the United Kingdom ⦿ Lapidary typefaces ⦿ Frederic William Goudy ⦿ Cheltenham ⦿ Eric Gill and his typefaces ⦿ Bembo ⦿

file name: Monotype Bembo

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Sarah Linderer 2016

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Sarah Linderer 2016b

file name: Monotype Bembo 1929 Poster by Eric Anderson 2016

file name: Monotype M Ying Hei 2016

file name: Monotype Baskerville M T Pro Poster by Richard Aufdermauer 2017

file name: Monotype Catalog 1930s

file name: Monotype Gill Sans Ad 1935

file name: Monotype M Curvy 2015

file name: Monotype Bernard M T Condensed 1993

file name: Monotype Bodoni M T Poster Compressed 1991 1995

file name: Bodoni M T Condensed Bold Poster by Evelyn Gonzalez 2017

file name: Bodoni M T Condensed Bold Poster by Evelyn Gonzalez 2017c

file name: Bodoni M T Condensed Bold Poster by Evelyn Gonzalez 2017d

file name: Bodoni M T Condensed Bold Poster by Evelyn Gonzalez 2017e

file name: Monotype Book Antiqua 1991

file name: Monotype Centaur Arrighi

file name: Monotype Colonna M T 1992

file name: Monotype Goudy Text M T

file name: Monotype Goudy Text M T Lombardic Capitals

file name: Monotype Greeting Monotone after M F Benton 1927

file name: Monotype Misleading Ads 2011

file name: Monotype Old Style Bold Outline

file name: Monotype Bodoni Book

file name: Monotype Bookman Oldstyle

file name: Monotype Breitkopf Fraktur 1930

file name: Monotype Cheltenham Outline

file name: Monotype Civilite

file name: Monotype De Vinne

file name: Thomas Maitland Cleland Della Robbia 1902

file name: Monotype Della Robbia

file name: Thomas Maitland Cleland Della Robbia 1902 Poster by Angelie Olave 2016

file name: Monotype Gallia

file name: Monotype Kiddo Caps

file name: Monotype Perpetua

file name: Monotype Perpetua Pro Titling Bold

file name: Monotype Perpetua Roman

file name: Monotype Rotis I I Sans Ugly Ad 2011

file name: Monotype Spectrum

file name: Monotype Spectrum 1955 after Jan Van Krimpen Spectrum 1941 1943

file name: Monotype Imaging Imprint 2011

file name: Monotype Imaging Imprint 2011c

file name: Monotype Imaging Lucida Blackletter 2011

file name: Monotype Poster 1985

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html