TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:20:33 EDT 2025






Alexandra Leopoldovna Gophmann

Russian designer of typefaces who collaborates with Ivan Zeifert and specializes in revivals, cyrillizations and beautiful digitizations, some of them done with Anatole Gophmann. There have been complaints about her practice of borrowing fonts from type designers without asking. One typophile writes: I have cracked open fonts she claims as hers, Bolero, Bickham and others, she has copied and pasted glyphs, copyright data, added Cyrillic and changed the copyright string. As an example, Angelica is a copy of Alejandro Paul's Miss Fajardose. Alejandro has drawn the numerals in his font in 2004 to accompany the letters found in an old catalog of alphabets. There is no other source of the numerals, and Angelica has them. Michael Clark writes: I initiated a battle with the illustrious Alexandra "Bitch" from Russia who has renamed Pouty (FontBureau) and copyrighted [it as] Bolero. She and her partner Anatoly shithead. Available on Fonts101.com for anyone who wants it free. The ass's site, Jagdesh, is in Pakistan and we cannot touch him. 260+ viewings and 140+ downloads. Let's see that is 1400$ I will never see! Others have complained as well about her practice of taking and extending fonts without permission. Anyway, her "fonts" are:

  • A: Adine_Kirnberg (2005, the Cyrillic version), Advokat Modern (2008), Afisha, Afisha Cap, Agatha-Modern, AlexandraScript, Amadeus, American Text C, American-Retro (2008), Ametist [based on Lorelei] (2008), AmpirDeco, Andantino-script (2008), Andantinoscript, Anfisa Grotesk (2008), Angelica, Annabelle, Antikvar (2008), Antikvar Shadow (2008), Antonella Script (2008), Antonella Script X (2008), Antract, Aquarelle, Ariadnascript, Ariston-Normal, Arkadia (2008), Arkhive, Arlekino, Art-Decoretta (2008), Art-Decorina (2008), Art-Metropol, Art-Nouveau Initial (2008), Art-Nouveau1895, Art-Nouveau1895-Contour, Art-Nouveau1900, Art-Nouveau1910, Art-Victorian (2008), ArtNouveau-Bistro, ArtNouveau-Cafe, Artemis Deco (2008), Artemon (2008, psychedelic), Arthur Gothic, Artist-Modern, Astoria Deco (2008), Atlas Deco A (2008), Atlas Deco B (2008), Auction, Augusta One, Augusta Two, AvalonMedium.
  • B: Ball-Point Pen, Bankir-Retro, Barocco Floral Initial (2008), Barocco Initial (2008), Baron Munchausen, Batik Deco (2008), Belukha, BelukhaCapital, BickhamScriptAltFour, BickhamScriptAltOne, BickhamScriptAltThree, BickhamScriptAltTwo, BickhamScriptOne, BickhamScriptThree, BickhamScriptTwo, Birusa (2008), Bodoni Initials (2008), Boleroscript, Bonapart-Modern, Briolin, Brokgauz&Efron, Brokgauz&Efron-Italic.
  • C: Caberne, Cafe Paris C, Calligraph-Medium, Campanella (2008), Capitol Deco (2008), Carmen, Carolina, Casanova (art nouveau) (2008), Cassandra, Castileo (2008), Certificate of Birth (2008), Chocogirl (2008), ClassicDecor (ornaments), Classica-One (2008), Classica-Two (2008), Cleopatra (2008), Conkordia (2008), Cordeballet, Corinthia, Corleone, CorleoneDue.
  • D: Dama Bubey (grunge) (2008), Debut (art deco in the style of Broadway) (2008), Decadance Cursiv (2007), Decor Initial (2009: decorative caps, a Cyrillic extension of a typeface by Pampa Type), Decor Line (2008), DeutschGothic (blackletter), Donaldina (2008).
  • E: Edisson (blackletter), Egipet-Bold, Ekaterina_Velikaya_One (2005), Ekaterina_Velikaya_Two (2005), English Rose (2008), EnglishScript, EseninscriptOne, EseninscriptTwo, Evgenia Deco (2008).
  • F: Fairy Tale (2008), Fantasia (2008), Fata Morgana, Favorit, Favorit Grotesk (2008), Flamingo (2008), Fortuna Gothic FlorishC (2009, blackletter).
  • G: Geisha (2006), Gertruda Victoriana (2008), Globus (2006), Gloriascript, Goudy Decor InitialC (2009, ornamental caps), Goudy Decor ShodwnC, Goudy OrnateC, Graceful Mazurka (2008).
  • H: HeatherScriptOne, HeatherScriptTwo, HeinrichText, Hogarth_script (2005).
  • I: Isabella-Decor, Italy-A (2008), Italy-B (2008), Izis One (monoline sans), Izis Two.
  • K: Kabriolet Decor (2009), Kamelia (2009, Victorian face), Kareta-A (2007), Kareta-B (2008), KarnacOne, KarnacTwo, Konkord-Retro, Konrad-Modern (2008), Konstrukto-Deco (2008) (2008), Kot Leopold (2008), Kumparsita.
  • L: Lastochka (2008), Le Grand, Leokadia Deco (2008), Lombardia, Lombardina One, Lombardina Two, Lombardina-Initial-One (2008), Lombardina-Initial-Two (2008), Lombardina-One-Roman (2008), Lombardina-Two (2008), Ludvig_van_Bethoveen (sic) (2005).
  • M: Majestic X-2, Majestic-, MajesticX, Malahit-Bold, Margaritascript, Marianna, MarkizdeSadscript, MartaDecor One and Two, MartaDecorTwo, Martina Script C, Masquerade (2008), Matilda, Matreshka, Maya (2008), Medieval English, Melange Nouveau (2008), Menuetscript, Metro Modern, Metro Retro B (2008), Metro Retro C (2008), Metro-Retro A (2008), ModernistNouveau, ModernistOne, ModernistThree, ModernistTwo, ModernoNouveau, ModernoOne, ModernoThree, ModernoTwo, Modestina (Victorian), Mon Amour Two (both jointly copyrighted with David Rakovsky) (2008), Mon Amoure One (2008), Monte-Carlo, Monte-Kristo, Monti-Decor A B, Moonlight, Moonstone, Moonstone Stars, Morpheus, Moulin Rouge (2008).
  • N: Nocturne (2005), Nostalgia (2008).
  • O: Old Comedy, OldBoutique, Olietta-script-BoldItalic (2008), Olietta-script-Lyrica-BoldItalic (2008), Olietta-script-Poesia-BoldItalic (2008), Orpheus, Ouverture Script (2004, calligraphic).
  • P: Parisian, Picaresque One, Picaresque-Two (2008), Pilotka (2008), Plimouth, Port-Arthur (2008), Poste Retro (2008), Postmodern One, Postmodern Two, Promenad Deco (2008), Prospect-Deco (2008), Pudelina (2008), Pudelinka (2008).
  • R: Red Sunset, Regina Kursiv (2008), Renaldo Modern, Rochester, RochesterLine, RockletterSimple, RockletterTransparent, Romantica Script, Romashka Deco (2008), Romashulka (2008), Rondo Ancient One (2008), Rondo Ancient Two (2008), Rondo Calligraphic (2008), Rondo Twin (2008), Rosa Marena, Rosalia (2008), RosamundaOne-Normal, RosamundaTwo, Rotterdam, Rubius, Rurintania (sic) (2005).
  • S: Samba DecorC (2006), San Remo, Sapphire C (2008), Scriptorama (a clone of Scriptina), Secession-Afisha, Sevilla Decor X, SevillaDecor, Sladkoeshka (2008), Stereovolna (2008), Stereovolna Black (2008), Stradivari Script (2008), Stradivari Script [the Latin part copyrighted by Grosse Pointe Group] (2008), Stravinski Deco (2008).
  • T: Taverna, Teddy Bear [Latin by House Industries] (2008), Telegraph, TelegraphLine, TelegraphShodwn, TelegraphSmall, Terpsichora (2008, psychedelic), Theater (2009, Victorian), Theater Afisha, Topaz, Trafaret Kit (2008), Trafaret Kit Hatched (2008), Trafaret Kit Transparent (stencil) (2008), Traktir-Modern, Traktir-Modern3-D, Traktir-ModernContour, Turandot.
  • V: Valentina (2008), Variete (2008), VenskiSadTwo-Medium, VenskisadOne-Medium, Vera Crouz, VeronaGothic (blackletter), VeronaGothicFlourishe (blackletter), Veronica-script-One (2008), Veronica-script-Two (2008), Victorian-Gothic-One (2007), Victorian-Gothic-Two (2008), Victoriana, Vizit (2010, engraved face).
  • W: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (2005), Wonderland (2008), Wonderland Star (2008).
  • Z: ZanerianTwo,

Alexandra Leopoldovna Gophmann
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Type design in Russia ⦿ Cyrillic type design ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Art Nouveau typefaces ⦿ Psychedelic types ⦿ Art deco typefaces ⦿ Stencil fonts ⦿ Penmanship ⦿ Lombardic types ⦿ Victorian typefaces ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Mayan typefaces ⦿

file name: Alexandra Anatole Gophmann Figurny 2006 Latin by Ivan Zeifert

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Debut 2009

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Decadance Cursiv 2007

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Decor Initial C 2010

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Fortuna Gothic Florish C 2009

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Geisha 2006

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Globus 2006

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Goudy Decor Initial C 2009

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Kabriolet Decor Line Regular 2009

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Kamelia 2009

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Kareta A 2007

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Konstrukto Deco 2008

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Samba Decor C 2006

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Terpsichora 2008

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Theater 2009 after Dan X Solo

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Victorian Gothic One 2007

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Vizit 2010

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Art Dekorina2008

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Cafe Paris C

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Casanova 2010

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Castileo

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Parisian

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Pilotka

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Postmodern One

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Promenad Deco

file name: Alexandra Gophmann Stravinski Deco 2010

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html