TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Jan 29 16:46:22 EST 2025






Paul McNeil

Paul McNeil and Hamish Muir cofounded MuirMcNeil in 2010. McNeil is a type designer and course leader of the MA in Contemporary Typographic Media at the London College of Communication, University of the Arts, London. Muir, well known for his work as co-founder of 8vo (and co-editor of its type journal, Octavo), is art director at the digital publisher, Outcast Editions. Paul McNeil has designed the McNeil family of blocky display typefaces. He has previously produced designs for Mambo and worked in Sydney, Australia. He was affiliated as a designer with The Australian Type Foundry.

In 2012, Paul McNeil and Hamish Muir co-designed FF Three Six (FontShop), a pixel-based stencil and regular typeface family.

In 2014, four commercial modular and pixelish typeface families were published, Panopticon (a system of layered 3d geometric typefaces), Intersect, Nine (Metric, Mono) and Interact. In that series, the nine-weight geometric almost-typewriter typeface Nine Mono (monospaced and monoline) stands out. The pixelish typefaces Three Point, Four Point and Ten Point were also done in 2014. The superfamily of pixelish and dot matrix fonts Two followed in 2015.

THD Sentient (2017) is an all-capitals monolinear rounded proportionally spaced all caps sans type family in four weights, designed by Tim Hutchinson in collaboration with MuirMcNeil.

Designer in 2017 of the geometric stencil typefaces Stem and Rumori. Still in 2017, Paul McNeil and Hamish Muir co-designed the stencil family Five.

In 2020, they released the Bauhaus typeface Two Bar Mono.

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Paul McNeil
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type in Australia ⦿ Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Stencil fonts ⦿ Type design in the United Kingdom ⦿ Typewriter fonts ⦿ Monospaced fonts ⦿ 3D fonts ⦿ Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Bauhaus and type design ⦿

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Cut 2016

file name: Paul Mc Neil Rumori 2017

file name: Paul Mc Neil Stem 2017

file name: Hamish Muir Paul Mc Neil Five 2017

file name: Hamish Muir Paul Mc Neil Five 2017

file name: Hamish Muir Paul Mc Neil Two Line A Soft 2015

file name: Hamish Muir Paul Mc Neil Two Stroke A33 2015

file name: Muir Mc Neil John Mc Millan Farset A 2018

file name: Muir Mc Neil John Mc Millan Farset B 2018

file name: Muir Mc Neil John Mc Millan Feirste Farset 2018

file name: Muir Mc Neil John Mc Millan Feirste A 2018

file name: Muir Mc Neil John Mc Millan Feirste B 2018

file name: Muir Mc Neil Two Bar Mono 2020

file name: Hamish Muir Paul Mc Neil Two Bar Mono224 Black 2020

file name: Muir Mc Neil Stencil Comparisonb

file name: Tim Hutchinson Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir T H D Sentient 2017

file name: Tim Hutchinson Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir T H D Sentient 2017

file name: Paul Mc Neil F F Three Six 2012

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir F F Three Six10 Offc090 Medium 2012

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Interact 2014

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Intersect 2014

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Nine Metric 2014

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Nine Metric 2014

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Nine Metric 2014b

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Nine Mono 2014

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Nine Mono 2014b

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Nine Mono 2014d

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Nine Mono 2014e

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Nine Mono 2014f

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Nine Mono 2014g

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Nine Mono 2014h

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Panopticon 2014

file name: Paul Mc Neil Hamish Muir Panopticon 2014

file name: Muir Mc Neil Resound Typecon 2016

file name: Muir Mc Neil Resound Typecon 2016b

file name: Muir Mc Neil Resound Typecon 2016c

file name: Paul Mc Neil Pic

file name: Paul Mc Neil Typecon 2016

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html