TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:20:57 EDT 2025






Very thin sans serif fonts

Discussion on typophile regarding very thin sans fonts. The list compiled by them includes: Interstate FB, Romeo (Font Bureau:: the Thin weight is really thin--it is due to Jill Pichotta), Agenda (Font Bureau), TazIII (DeGroot), Fontesque Sans Ultra Light (Shinn), Preface Thin (Shinn), Alphaville Thin (Shinn), Anisette Petite Thin & Anisette Thin (Porchez), Parisine Clair & Parisine Plus Clair (Porchez), Gotham Thin (Hoefler&Frere-Jones), Neutraface Thin & Neutraface Condensed Thin (House), Whitney and Whitney Condensed (Hoefler&Frere-Jones), FF Meta Hairline (Christian Schwartz), Proxima Nova Thin, Condensed Thin, and Extra Condensed Thin (Mark Simonson), Apex Sans Extra Light (Thirstype), FF Daxline Thin (Hans Reichel), FF Absara Sans Thin (Xavier Dupré), Abadi Extra Light, FF Unit Thin (Erik Spiekermann and Christian Schwartz), Horatio Light, Kabel Light, Neue Helvetica Ultra Light, Sun II Extra Light, URW Martin Gothic Thin, ClearviewOne Extra Thin and Thin (Terminal Design), Politica Thin (Alejandro Paul), Precious, Cactus, Nubian, Paralucent, Fedra Sans Display 1 (Peter Bilak), Mundo Sans Extra Light, Truth FB Thin (David Berlow). The discussion is biased towards commercial offerings, with most designers plugging their own stuff. My favorite, Mostra (Mark Simonson), was not even mentioned! Continued here.

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Choice of fonts ⦿ Very thin (hairline sans) typefaces ⦿

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Interstate Hairline 1993

file name: Rick Valicenti Chester Jenkins Apex Sans 2004

file name: Rick Valicenti Chester Jenkins Apex Sans 2004b

file name: Rick Valicenti Chester Jenkins Apex Sans 2004c

file name: Rick Valicenti Chester Jenkins Apex Sans 2004d

file name: Xavier Dupre F F Absara Sans Pro Thin 2005

file name: Hans Reichel F F Dax F F Daxline

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Whitney 2004 01

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Whitney 2004 02

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Whitney 2004 03

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Whitney 2004 04

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Whitney 2004 05

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Whitney 2004 06 B

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Whitney 2004 07

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Whitney 2004 08

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Whitney Condensed 2004 01

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Whitney Condensed 2004 02

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Whitney Condensed 2004 03

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Whitney Condensed 2004 04

file name: Tobias Frere Jones Whitney Condensed 2004 05

file name: Hoefler Frere Jones Whitney Greek 1

file name: Hoefler Frere Jones Whitney Greek 2

file name: Hoefler Frere Jones Whitney Greek cyrillic 1

file name: Hoefler Frere Jones Whitney Greek cyrillic 2

file name: Hoefler Frere Jones Whitney Greek cyrillic 4

file name: Hoefler Frere Jones Whitney Book 2004

file name: Phil Martin Martin Gothic U R W 1987

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html