TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Mar 10 12:07:33 EDT 2025
Fonts and (illegal) software
Translation of a publication for the members of the Association of Printers KVGO (Koninklijk Verbond van Grafische Ondernemingen: www.kvgo.nl) and the Association of Prepress and Prepublishing Companies OPPO (Organisatie van Prepress en Prepublishing Ondernemingen: www.oppo.nl) in the Netherlands. First release October 2001, second version April 2002. Author: Henk Gianotten, Giarte Media Group BV, Amsterdam. The basic information for this document was provided by Adobe Systems Benelux BV, Agfa Monotype Typography and Linotype Library GmbH This impressive document gives a company-centered view of fonts and font software. It starts out with In what cases are software licences needed? Answer: In principle, you need a valid user's licence for each piece of software you use. OK, so this document cuts out the entire FSF (Free Software Foundation) and nearly all software produced for UNIX systems. Technically speaking, the answer is wrong. Here is another beauty: What is meant by the editing of PDF files? Answer: Editing a PDF file means making changes (of text and/or image) to the PDF file. To make any changes to text in a PDF file, you need a licence for the font in which the changes are to be made. Again, wrong. Many fonts have unlimited use provisions. Bitstream Vera, the Ghostscript collection, the Computer Modern mega-family, and hundreds of other fine font families have no restrictions. Another one: Font software and software packages that have been obtained or transferred from other parties and for which no original invoices are available in one's own name are deemed illegal. Completely wrong, for the reasons stated above. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |