Chinese fonts bundled with various Microsoft products: - Unicode: Arial Unicode MS, DFKai-SB, PMingLiU, MingLiU, PMingLiU-ExtB, MingLiU-ExtB, SimSun-ExtB.
- GBK encoding: SimHei, SimSun, NSimSun.
- GB18030 encoding: KaiTi, FangSong.
- GB2312 encoding: FangSong_GB2312, KaiTi_GB2312.
The Office 2000/XP/2003 Proofing Tools (and Chinese editions) include the same set of 14 additional fonts, as follows: for the GBK character set: LiSu, YouYuan, STXihei, STKaiti, STSong, STZhongsong, STFangsong; for the GB 2312 and GB/T character sets: FZShuTi, FZYaoti; for the GB 2312 character set: STCaiyun, STHupo, STLiti, STXingkai, STXinwei. The Office XP/2003 Proofing Tools (and Chinese editions) also include the font SimSun (Founder Extended, 2001), which contains over 64,000 hanzi, including most of the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B block.
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