Founder Type (or: Founder Corporation, or: Beijing Founder Electronics)
The main Chinese foundry, also called the Beijing Founder Electronic Co., Ltd. (see elsewhere on this page), located in Beijing. In 2015, its General Manager of the Font Division was Jianguo Zhang (Beijing) and its Font Development Director was Yin Qiu (Beijing). Founder Corporation produced fonts such as FZShuTi and FZYaoTi (1998) (download these here<--a>). Formerly Zhongyi. The following typefaces from 1998-1999 are here<--a>: FZBaoSong-Z04, FZBaoSong-Z04S, FZCaiYun-M09S, FZChaoCuHei-M10S<--a>, FZDaBiaoSong-B06S, FZDaHei-B02S, FZFangSong-Z02, FZFangSong-Z02S, FZFangSong-Z02T. This site<--a> has FZWeiBei-S03S (1998). Maybe the most complete collection is here<--a>: FZBaoSong-Z04, FZCaiYun-M09, FZChaoCuHei-M10, FZCuQian-M17, FZCuSong-B09, FZCuYuan-M03, FZDaBiaoSong-B06, FZDaHei-B02, FZFangSong-Z02, FZHei-B01, FZHei-B01S, FZHuPo-M04, FZHuaLi-M14, FZHuangCao-S09, FZKai-Z03, FZKangTi-S07<--a>, FZLiBian-S02, FZLiShu-II-S06, FZLiShu-S01, FZMeiHei-M07, FZNew-BaoSong-Z12, FZNew-ShuTi-S08, FZPangWa-M18, FZPingHe-S11, FZShaoEr-M11, FZShouJinShu-S10, FZShuSong-Z01, FZShuTi-S05, FZShuiZhu-M08, FZSong-III-Z05, FZSongHei-B07, FZSongYi-Z13, FZWeiBei-S03, FZXiDengXian-Z06, FZXiHei-I-Z08, FZXiQian-M15, FZXiShanHu-M13, FZXiYuan-M01, FZXiaoBiaoSong-B05, FZXingKai-S04, FZYaoTi-M06, FZYouXian-Z09, FZZhiYi-M12<--a>, FZZhongDengXian-Z07, FZZhongQian-M16, FZZhunYuan-M02, FZZongYi-M05. EU-HX<--a> (2001) contains Latin glyphs and symbols. See here<--a> for a direct download of the EU and FZ families. Founder Lanting<--a> TrueType 200 (125 dollars) is a package of 62 fonts. Small<--a> cata<--a>log<--a>. Founder Type won two awards in the 25 TDC competition in 2022<--a> for FZ Guomeijindao (jointly developed by FounderType and the China Academy of Art. This font takes the old letterhead of the China Academy of Art as the style source and inspiration, to carry forward and convey the spirit in the new era. Strokes are standardized and unified, giving people a sense of pleasing to the eyes) and FZ QianLongXingShu (named after the emperor -- calligrapher QianLong). View the Latin portions of some of the Founder typefaces<--a>.
Founder Type (or: Founder Corporation, or: Beijing Founder Electronics)
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