TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:21:06 EDT 2025







A scrapbooking company which, like most others, gives the impression of innocence of a baby shower. Not so: these little devils for a while sold quite a few fonts under the QuicKutz label by just changing the name of some commercial fonts. Examples: QKEliza is Goodfellow (1993, Scriptorium), QKFrankie was originally made by Nick Curtis, QK Gidget is due to Chris MacGregor, QK Honey is one of Chank's fonts, QK Indigo comes from Brendel Informatik, QK Katie is Fontdinerdotcom Sparkly (1998, Font Diner), QK Khaki is a renamed font of Patricia Lillie, QK Marisa is Lucida Handwriting, QK Paige is P22 Garamouche (1995, P22), QK Sophie is Chocolate Mint Surprise BV (1999, Blue Vinyl), and so on. Cute new names will not do it---this is theft. Alternate sales point, where the letter shapes are sold as dies, not as fonts. Alternate sales point, where the letter shapes are sold as dies, not as fonts.

I quote some typophile: there is no relationship between QuicKutz and Letraset. QK is a scrapbooking outfit. They are still in business, but I think they've been prohibited from selling fonts (although they might include fonts with some of their products). All the QK fonts were basically other people's fonts that they stole without permission. They gave the fonts new names, but did not seem to have the sense to remove the original font name and copyright info from inside the font file. If you open them with a font editor, it's there for all to see. For example:

  • QK Eliza = Goodfellow (1993, Dave Nalle/Scriptorium)
  • QK Empire = Rusticana (Adobe)
  • QK Frankie = Snoopy Snails (Nick Curtis)
  • QK Gidget = Threadfun Bold (Chris MacGregor)
  • QK Honey = Chauncy Fatty (Chank Diesel)
  • QK Indigo = Ondine (Brendel Informatik)
  • QK Katie = Fontdinerdotcom Sparkly (1998, Font Diner)
  • QK Maggie = Retrofit Bold (Joe Van derBos)
  • QK Marisa = Lucida Handwriting (Bigelow &Holmes)
  • QK Paige = P22 Garamouche (1995, P22)
  • QK Phoebe = Limehouse Script (Letraset)
  • QK Roxy = Showcard Modern (Jim Parkinson/Font Bureau)
  • QK Sonja = Rage Italic (Letraset)
  • QK Sophie = Chocolate Mint Surprise (1999, Blue Vinyl)
  • QK Star = Comic Strip Poster (Agfa MT)
  • QK Venus = Ravie (Font Bureau)
  • QK Zelda = Jokerman (Letraset)

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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Nick Curtis ⦿ Type parasites ⦿

file name: Quic Kutz Catalog

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html