TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:05:33 EST 2025






Flop Design [Kato Masashi]

Japanese site with original fonts by Kato Masashi (b. 1973), who lives in Takasaki (Gunma prefecture, Japan): Parismatch (2004), SAKUalp (2000, handwriting), Steeltype, Broadband, Hivision, Cinematime, Ultracomic, Ice Cream, Be Happy, Summer Beauty, Flyermix, Cheerscript, Breakstyle, Breakfont, Round, H-Five, Natsucomi, Long Vacation, Lovers, Breakfont (2003, graffiti style), Pokkaman, BeHappy, Natsucomi, Momolcan, Seasons Dings, Electron, Round, Lovers, FlyerMix (fifties style), CheerScript (comic book style), Hi-Five (pixel font), Summer Beauty, SummerDrive, White Day, Long Vacation, Amayadori (high contrast kana font), Fuyucomi, Icecream, Pickett, 321, Pingpong, Frontline, Ginza, Yago (nice free dings), Polaris, 321eng, 321kana, APPLE, CLIQUE, Clover (kitchen tile font, 1998), DIGI, Eneneng, Enenhira, FDalp, FDwhie, Hnoodle, Hanko (free black on white stamp font, 1998, see also here), MKCuer, MOOGIRLALP, MOOMILKKANA, Noodle, Origami, Pers, SA0kmh, SA100kmh, SA50kmh, SK0kmh, SK100kmh, SK50kmh, Template6, Tenten, Ami Font, Speedfont, Supercar, Sakura, Regoty, Shopping Famiry, Ticket, Yohic, Recording, Akachan, Wafont, Frontbit7, MusicNetwork, Yakitori (free handwriting font), Ticket, Folkdance (pixelized people), Human Building (dings of famous buildings), Bunny (free), Frontline0, Side5 (pixel font), Side6, Side7. Some pixel fonts, many techno fonts, some kana fonts, and the Japanese kids dingbat font, Folkdance. Some fonts, such as his Latin/Japano font ShoppingFamily (1998), are sold by Font Pavilion. Major Japanese free font links.

In 1999, he published the AMI screen pixel font series in Digitalogue's DPI72 package. Other commercial fonts: Pine Apple, the WM family, Cutie Girl, Astratic, PictPlasma, Minivan, Frontbit 7, Ginza, Zoological.

Free fonts as of 2007: Aiko, a 4-weight rounded sans with support for Latin and kana (see also here). Fonts made in 2007-2008: MobileDisco, AbbeyRoad-Alternative, HighwayStar, Kompakt, AbbeyRoad, Prefuse, Readymade (didone inspired by Corvinus and Giorgio).

Additions in 2009: Kanna W4, Sweet Doughnuts (rounded sans).

Fonts made between 1998 and 2008: 321, AirExpress, AirTickt, AMAYADORI, AMIFONT, APPLE, ASTRA, AYANO, BeHappy, bitneon, BORDER7, BREAKFONT, BroadBand, BUNNY, CALENDER, CheerScript, CinemaTime, CLIQUE, CLOVER, CutieGirl, Departure, DIGIT, ELECTRON, FlyerMix, FolkDance, FOLKDANCE2, FrontBit, FRONTLINE, FRONTLINE01, FUYUCOMI, GINZA, HANKO, HappyEnd, hiFive, HumanBuild, IceCream, ICHIGO, JAPON2, KAKIZOME, KEYMODE, LabLife, LongVacation, LoversMINIMONO, MKCUTTER, MOMOKAN, MooFont, MusicNet, NATSUCOMI, Nenga, Noodele, OnePiece, oneBox, Origami, ParisMatch, Pers, Pickett, PICTdings, PictPlasma, PineApple, PingPong, pokkaman, Polaris, PopStar, Puzzle, Recoya, REGO, ROUND, SAKURA, SAMACAN, Seazons, Shopping, SIDE5, SIDE51byte, SIDE6, SIDE61byte, SIDE7, SPEED, STAMPER, SteelType, SummerBeauty, SummerDrive, SuperCar, Template5, TenTen, Ticket2, UltraComic, WHITEday, Yabako, Yago, Yakitori (handwriting of Mayumi Kakegawa), Yothic, Zoological, Nippondings, Caredings, TraficSignsWLD, TraficSigns, JPN, Kamondings, Kamondings2, Kurashidings, Okonomi, FunnyFace, Hotsuma, Toyokuni, Constellation, SunnyDay, BOXdings, Machinedings, CLICKdings, Berrys, Container Box, Twinkleline, Minivan, Akachan.

Dingbats: Kurashidings, IchigoC, TraficsignsWLD, TraficsignJPN, Nenga, Kamondings2, Kamondings, Breakstyle, Pictdings, Zoological, Caredings, Clickdings, Funnyface, seasons, Pictplasma, Humanbuilding, Nippondings, Yago, Boxdings, Toyokuni, Constellation (astrological symbols), Machinedings, Hotsuma, Folkdance, Calender.

Japanaese handwriting fonts: Aiko, Haruka, Syuntaro, YUKI, Ryunosuke.

Futuristic/ geometric fonts: MobileDisco, AbbeyRoad-Alternative, HighwayStar, Kompakt, AbbeyRoad, Prefuse.

"Funny" fonts: IchigoR, Ultracomic, Amayadori, Parismatch, hanko, LongVacation, Cinamatime, Natsucomi, Okonomi, IceCream, Yakitori, Cutiegirl, Monokan Wa, Shopping, Lovers, Fuyucomi, Berrys, Akachan, Bunny, Clover, Pokkaman, Pickett, Electron.

Cool fonts: Sunnyday, HiVision AirTicket, Lablife, Flyermix, Popstar, AirExpress, Broadband, Recording, Breakfont, Frontline, Ami, Minivan, Side5, Side6, Summerdrive, Digit, Supercar, Frontline00, BeHappy, Steeltype, Onepiece, Puzzle, Astlatic, Stamper.

Download page of their free silhouette dingbat images. In 2014, they created the free art deco typeface Jazzkissa. In 2018, they published the full CJK font Soukou Mincho (by Ken Lunde and Masataka Hattori) at Fontsquirrel for free download.

Dafont link. Abstract Fonts link. Fontspace link. Direct access. Alternate URL for free stuff. And another URL. Klingspor link. Fontsquirrel link.

Flop Design
Dafont page
Fontspace page
Klingspor Museum page
MyFonts search
Monotype search
Fontspring search
Google search

Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Type design in Japan ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Main links to font link pages ⦿ Comic/cartoon fonts ⦿ Valentine's Day Fonts ⦿ Kitchen tile fonts ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Graffiti fonts ⦿ Very thin (hairline sans) typefaces ⦿ Astrological (or Zodiac) fonts ⦿ Typefaces related to origami ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Neon tube or faux neon typefaces ⦿ Skyline Typefaces ⦿ Erotic fonts ⦿

file name: Flop Flower Silhouette

file name: Flop Human Silhouette

file name: Flop Jazzkissa 2014

file name: Flop Mono silhouette

file name: Flop Natural Silhouette

file name: Flop Sexy Silhouette

file name: F L O P Design Freehand Old 2010

file name: F L O P Design Freehand Old 2010

file name: Flop Design Origami 2002

file name: F L O P Design Parismatch

file name: F L O P Design Ultracomic E

file name: F L O P Design Airexpress 02

file name: F L O P Design Amayadori

file name: Kato Masashi Ginza

file name: Kato Masashi Hanko 1998

file name: F L O P Design Clover

file name: F L O P Design Constellation

file name: F L O P Design Hotsuma

file name: F L O P Design Mezzo Piano 2010

file name: F L O P Design Sakura1

file name: F L O P Design Yakitori H Wby Mayumi Kakegawa

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html