Typefaces no one gets fired for using
[Cameron Roll]
Cameron Roll is a freelance new media designer, author, and speaker. He has a blog in which the most trustworthy typefaces are listed. Taking votes from 61 typophiles gave these results: - 13 Helvetica Neue.
- 9 Frutiger, Warnock Pro, Futura.
- 7 Avenir, Myriad.
- 6 FF DIN, Bodoni.
- 5 (Adobe or other) Garamond.
- 4 Jenson Pro, Sabon, Trade Gothic, Trajan Pro.
- 3 Gotham, Caslon Pro, Akzidenz Grotesk, Rosewood, Franklin Gothic, Meta, Mrs Eaves, Thesis / The Sans, Gill Sans.
- 2 Bembo, Univers, Humanist 521, Minion, Officina (Sans), Trebuchet, Verlag, Imago, News Gothic, Clarendon, Versa (Sans).
- 1 Balance, Chopin Script, Sprint, Stone Print, Georgia, Zapfino, Bureau Grotesque, Courier New, Agenda, Bell Gothic, Filosofia, Arriere Garde, Marcelle Script, Porcelain, Lido STF, Uni 05 53, Modern 20, ITC Stone Sans, Book Antiqua, Avant Garde, Klavika, ITC Legacy, ITC Berkeley Old Style, Parkinson, Verdana, Cooper, Bello, Huxley, Maiandra GD, Interdimensional, Garth Graphic, Neutraface, Interstate, Vendetta, Proxima Nova, Newscastle, Zurich, Swiss, Eurostile, Fago, Downcome, American Typewriter ITC, Handel Gothic, Scala, Fonce Sans Pro, Penumbra, Electra, Optima, Serlio, Spring Light, Conduit, Lexicon, Delicious, Trinité, Productus, Documenta, Bitstream Vera, Bickham Script Pro, Voluta Script, Apex Sans, Chaparral Pro, Meridien.
Typefaces no one gets fired for using
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Choice of fonts ⦿
Caslon ⦿
Clarendon ⦿
Eric Gill and his typefaces ⦿
Bembo ⦿