TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:21:31 EDT 2025
Iakov Georgievich Chernikhov
A Russian architect and artist, Iakov Chernikhov was born in 1889 in Pavlograd, Yekaterinenskav Gubernia, Ukraine (now Dnepropetrovskay Oblast). He died in 1951 in Moscow. He studied at the Odessa Art School, a branch of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. In 1914, having graduated from the Art School, he moved to St. Petersburg and entered the Academy of Arts. In 1916 Chernikhov transferred from the painting faculty to the architecture department and graduated in 1925. He became a successful architect, and taught at the Leningrad Institute of Transportation Engineers (after 1933 LIIZhT) in the school of architecture (1928-45), at the Industrial Academy (NKTP) in the course for factory and plant construction (1930-32), at the Stalin Transportation Academy (NKPC) (1930-32), and at the Institute of Engineers of Water Transportation (1929-31). He published Fundamentals of Modern Architecture (1929-1930), Construction of Architectural and Machine Forms (1931), and Architectural Fantasies. 101 Compositions (1933). These classics are all about architectural fantasies. The last work of Iakov Chernikhov, which remained uncompleted, was the book An Analysis of the Construction of Classical Typeface (written in 1945-1951). It was published in 1958, seven years after his death. Iakov Chernikhov used for construction of the types some principles taken from the theory of architectural forms having much in common with the type forms that obey the same regularities. Some of his work looks like the early attempts at regularization by Duerer and Tory, or as found in the Romain du Roi. In 2009, Dmitry Yakovlevich Chernikhov (editor), Uta Keil (German translation) and Heike Maria Johennig (English translation) published the Russian / German / English text Graphic masterpieces of Yakov Georgievich Chernikhov : the collecton of Dmitry Yakovlevich Chernikhov (DOM Publishers, Berlin). Wiki page. Scans: I, II, III, IV. Image of his Cyrillic Trajan (1945-1951). |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |