TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:21:31 EDT 2025






Press Gang Studios (was: Shonenpunk, or: Andeh Fonts, or: Teabeer Studios) [Andeh Pinkard]

Press Gang Studios is the latest name of Andeh Pinkard's place on the web, Before that, it was called Shonenpunk, and before that, Andeh Fonts, and before that, Teabeer Studios. Andeh Pinkard (b. 1980) is the Whittier, CA-based comic artist and designer (b. 1979) of these free (and often, comic book) fonts:

  • Typefaces from 2020: Mechapunk, Super Gossip (a comic book family).
  • Typefaces from 2019: Shoujo Pop.
  • Typefaces from 2017: Wrecking Krew (glaz krak font).
  • Typefaces from 2016: Outrun Future (brush type), Badonk-a-donk 2 (cartoon font), Comic Douche.
  • Typefaces from 2015: Battle Breath (very rough comic book style), Fighting Wordz.
  • Typefaces from 2014: Punch It, Manga Speak 2, Dreamgirl's Dream.
  • Typefaces from 2013: Grind Zero, Pixel Dead, Space Punk, Skrunch (comic book face), Otaku, Otaku Rant Bold, At Risk Youth, Pixelpunk.
  • Old Evils (2012) and Sugar Death (2012): brush typefaces.
  • Counter Hit (2012), Roof Runners (2012) and Roof Runners Active (2012). A triplet of comic book typefaces.
  • All Exes Must Die (2012), Hangover Monday (2012).
  • Welcomic Bros (2011, hand-printed), Boom Tank (2011, angular family), Outlander (2011, poster face), Shin Akiba Punx (2011), Pandora Limiter (2011), Geekriot (2011), Punkboy (2011), Pandora Limiter (2011, manga face).
  • DealspinnerTBS (2010), MicCheckTBS-Bold (2010), Obssessed (2010), StubbornHeartzTBS (2010), comichuslte (2010), Setlist TBS (2010, comic book style).
  • Facepunch (2009), Goon Spectre (2009), Indy Pimp (2009, comic book style), 30 Pack Girl (2009, comic book style), Fighting Spirit (2009, brush face).
  • Brutal Dude (2008, scratchy comic book face), AkibaPunx-BoldItalic, AkibaPunx (2008, comic book typefaces), Vigilante Sidekick (2008, comic book style), Street Cred (2008, comic book style family), Rise Up (2008, comic book style).
  • Gunblade (2007), Webcomic Whore (2007, comic book face), Taste of Steel (2007), Post Human (2007), Walk The Plank (2007, letters made from planks), Webcomic Whore (2007, comic book face), Shonenpunk v2 (2007, comic book face), Whisked away (2007), Doujinshi (2007, comic book face), Badonk-a-donk (2007, comic book style), Firewall Zero (2007, techno), Badonk-a-donk (2007, comic book), Adam Warren (2007, comic book family; see also here), Manga Speak (2007, comic book).
  • Keisadiya (2006), Robo Pimp Slap (2006), Dirty Duo (2006, handwriting), Shellhead (2006, blockish family), Zerogene (2006, handwriting), Shank (2006, handwriting), Shonen Punk Custom (+Bold) (2006, comic book style typefaces), Endbuster (2006, robot anime inspired).

Links: Devian Tart link. Dafont link. Another Devian Tart link. At FontStruct, he made pinkee_1. Fontspace link. Another Devian Tart link. 1001 Fonts link. Klingspor link.

Press Gang Studios (was: Shonenpunk, or: Andeh Fonts, or: Teabeer Studios)
Dafont page
Fontspace page
Klingspor Museum page
MyFonts search
Monotype search
Fontspring search
Google search

Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Comic/cartoon fonts ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ FontStruct fonts ⦿ Type scene in California ⦿ Brush script typefaces ⦿ Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Wood plank typefaces ⦿ Glaz krak typefaces ⦿

file name: Andeh Pinkard Catalog

file name: Andeh Pinkard Catalog

file name: Press Gang Studios Mechapunk 2020

file name: Press Gang Studios Super Gossip 2020

file name: Press Gang Studios Shoujo Pop 2 19

file name: Andeh Pinkard Wrecking Krew 2017

file name: Andeh Pinkard Badonkadonk2 2016

file name: Andeh Pinkard Comic Douche 2016

file name: Andeh Pinkard Comic Douche 2016d

file name: Andeh Pinkard Outlander Bold 2011

file name: Andeh Pinkard Grind Zero 2012

file name: Andeh Pinkard Otaku Rant 2013

file name: Andeh Pinkard Sugar Death 2012

file name: Andeh Pinkard Skrunch 2013

file name: Andeh Pinkard Roof Runners Active 2012

file name: Andeh Pinkard Mic Check T B S 2011

file name: Andeh Pinkard Battle Breath 2015

file name: Andeh Pinkard Old Evils 2012

file name: Andeh Pinkard Post Human 2007

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html