TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:21:39 EDT 2025
Amanda's Scrapbooking Fonts
[Amanda Green Bottoms]
Free handwriting and some other fonts by Amanda Green Bottoms and hubbie Kevin Bottoms from Auburn, AL, all made in 2005: ALittlePot, Amanda'sCute, Amanda'sHand, Amanda'sScript, AmazingRuler, AnAccidentalKiss, AnnoyingKettle, Auburn, BOSSHOLE, BabyBoston, BabyBowser, BoringShowers, CafeRojo, Carrington, Charlie, ChewyStewy, Clingy, CourtneyDorkling, CrazyMilktopGirl, CryKitty, DigsMyHart, DoIlikeStripes?, DoodolonomyFred, DreamedAboutYou, EightFifteen, Elise, EverytimeIMissYou, Fontmoochers, ForTheOneHundrethTime, Freeze!, GentleRedhead, GliderGirls, Goombella, Grace, Greer, GuessWhat, HelloSark, HeyGorgeous, Hiccups, HighlandPerk, HisNameIsHoney, Hobbes, HoneyBunches, HouseSitter'sClub, HulaSkirtGirl, Hyrule, I'mBored, ILoveDerwin, IanJude, Impervious, JustOneMorePicture, KittyWeed, Kwekel, Landie, LargerMime, LimaBean, MarkustheCow, Milk&Cereal, MilktopGirl, MissedYourExit, Mr.Wade, Mstotryabon?, MyNerd, MyOwnTopher, NeverWritesBack, NoMystery, NotHisAngel, OhPhotoShoot!, OnlyByRequest, PAsstheCheX, Peabody, PrissyFratBoy, PurpleBoxers, PutAnotherOneIn, Rage, Rebekah'sBirthday, RibbonHappy, Sandals, Searching, Sisters, SmittenKitten, Snowshoe, SociallyAwkward, SouthernAccentBelch, StaysInTheCave!, SuperSnortyLaughter, Susie'sHand, SweetBlur, TanPatty, Teacher'sPet, TheBuns, TheDoorman, ThinkingofYou, ThreeDates, OneNight, TingleInstitute, TooManySecrets, TooMuchPaper!, Tootlebug, TurtleClub, UnnamedMelody, VaguelyRepulsive, Wanda'sWrite, WantYouBack, WastedCollection, Waterfalls, YOUALLEVERYBODY, YouWishYouWereaShirley, AnAccidentalKiss, fontastic, jailbIrDJenNA, kevinandamanda.com, rhinodino, theBlueCabin. In 2007, they added Tequila Mockingbird and Pea Heather (handwriting). In 2009, we see Monster Paparazzi, Elephants in Cherry Trees. In 2010, they made Stinkerella&Stinkzilla. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |