ATypI 2008
ATypI 2008 was held at the Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia, from September 17-21 around the theme The Old The New. Russian web site. Unfortunately, every non-Russian needs a visum and an itinerary and list of reservations---I hope that ATypI avoids countries with such state control restrictions in the future (and this includes some Western countries as well). I regretfully skip this interesting meeting and will miss the following speakers: Tim Ahrens | Yomar Augusto | Ken Barber | John D. Berry | Roger Black | Frank E. Blokland | Robert Bringhurst | David Brezina | Nadine Chahine | Anna Chaykovskaya | Petr Petrovich Chobytko | Si Daniels | Susanne Dechant | Alexey Dombrovskiy | Timothy Donaldson | John Downer | Olga Florenskaya | Irina Fomenko | J. Victor Gaultney | Yuri Gherchuk | Maxim Gurbatov | Ted Harrison | Denis Moyogo Jacquerye | Bengisu Kelesoglu | Jerry Kelly | Dmitry Kirsanov | Akira Kobayashi | Attila Korap | Alexandra Korolkova | Tal Leming | Gerry Leonidas | Hakon Wium Lie | Paul Luna | Klimis Mastoridis | George D. Matthiopoulos | Thomas Milo | Titus Nemeth | Heidrun Osterer | Thomas Phinney | Peter Rosenfeld | Tagir Safayev | Jose Scaglione | Nick Shinn | Anna Shmeleva | Eben Sorkin | Erik Spiekermann | Konstantin Startsev | Keith Chi-hang Tam | pek Torun | Adam Twardoch | Typophile | Gerard Unger | Karin von Ompteda | Jürgen Willrodt | Emil Yakupov | Yuri Yarmola | Vladimir Yefimov | Pascal Zoghbi. Reports: Flickr group, Yanek Iontef's pictures. Oleg Koshelets's pictures and mini-report (in Russian). Daria Dombrovskaya's shots. Elaa Maanpaossa. Olga Ru on the TDC exhibition. Yarullina's shots. Fredrik Andersson's detailed report. Yves Peters' report (see also here). Shots by Ekaterina Kochkina. Ilya Ruderman on Yomar Augusto's calligraphy workshop. A Swedish report.
ATypI 2008
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