TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Feb 16 12:26:22 EST 2025






Multiple Master Fonts

Invented by Adobe as an extension of their type 1 PostScript fonts, a Multiple Master font permits interpolation in any cube between masters. The dimension of the cube is called the number of axes. Typically, one axis is for weight (bold to light) and one for width (extended to condensed). If there are n axes, then 2 to the power n master fonts are required, so few multiple master fonts have more than two axes. Other possible axes are for optical size and style, but a priori, one can make axes for whatever property one wants to interpolate over. Something as wacky as curliness of a serif or roundness of joints in an octagonal font can be considered as well. As an example, Myriad has weight and width axes, and Adobe Jenson has axes for weight and optical size. The wiki is wrong in many respects. It states that Multiple Master fonts were superseded by OpenType, which is false: OpenType has no interpolation capabilities). It also states that there are no known freeware multiple master fonts, which is contradicted by those made by Apostrophic Laboratories. So, here is a list of multiple master fonts, still very incomplete:

  • Free, from Apostrophic Laboratories: SoMM, Chizzler MM (Graham Meade), ImpossibleMM, Tex Rounded MM (Richard D. Parker and Apostrophe), Tex Square MM (Richard D. Parker and Apostrophe). Impossible MM and Chizzler MM have three axes each.
  • Free from Gaham Meade: Chizz MM, Staid MM, Snot MM.
  • Free, from Dimitri Yupavetskii: MagCMM (Latin and Cyrillic).
  • Free, from Ray Buetens: Stub MM.
  • By Lucas Degroot: MoveMe MM, Thesis Mono, Folha MM.
  • By Dirk Wachowiak: Generation.
  • By Alphabets Inc: AI Quanta (Peter Fraterdeus), AI Veritas (Brian Sooy), AI Koch Antiqua (Randall Jones).
  • By Calvin Glenn: Steelhand.
  • By T. Olsson: Vadau, DejaVue.
  • By Chris MacGregor: Fleming.
  • By David Rakowski: Lassus.
  • By Hrant Papazian: some Armenian multiple masters.
  • By Jun Itadani: Millio NN (katakana).
  • By Luis Siquot: Siquot Antiqua.
  • By Dennis Pasternak: Littleton MM.
  • By Saikix in Japan: Syntech.
  • By HermesSoft: Universum, Grotesk MM.
  • By Adobe and affiliates: ITC Avant Garde MM, Bickham Script MM, Briem Akademi MM, Briem Script MM, Caflisch Script MM, Chaparral MM, Conga Brava MM, Cronos MM, Ex Ponto MM, ITC Garamond MM, Graphite MM, Adobe Jenson MM, Jimbo MM, Kepler MM, Kinesis MM, Mezz MM, Minion MM, ITC Motter Corpus MM, Myriad MM, Nueva MM, Ocean Sans MM, Penumbra MM, Reliq MM, Sanvito MM, Adobe Serif MM, Adobe Sans MM, Tekton MM, Verve MM, Viva MM, Waters Titling MM.

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Type 1 font software ⦿ Octagonal typefaces ⦿

file name: Robert Slimbch Adobe Jenson

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Will Scharlott 2015

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Will Scharlott 2015b

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Will Scharlott 2015c

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1996 Poster by Gabriela Da Costa 2014

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Caroline Grimprel Anselme Calabrese 2014

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Caroline Grimprel Anselme Calabrese 2014b

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Caroline Grimprel Anselme Calabrese 2014c

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Caroline Grimprel Anselme Calabrese 2014d

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000 Poster by Caroline Grimprel Anselme Calabrese 2014e

file name: Robert Slimbach Sanvito Pro 1993

file name: Robert Slimbach Sanvito Pro 1993b

file name: Robert Slimbach Sanvito Pro 1993c

file name: Robert Slimbach Sanvito Pro Display Semibold 1993

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Jenson Pro 1995 2000

file name: Carlos Perez Adobe Jenson Slimbach Jenson Poster 2011

file name: Robert Slimbach Kepler 1996

file name: Robert Slimbach Kepler 1997 Poster by Maggie Morgans 2014

file name: Robert Slimbach Kepler Semibold 1996

file name: Robert Slimbach Kepler Semibold 1996b

file name: Robert Slimbach Kepler Semibold 1996c

file name: Peter Fraterdeus A I Quanta Black 1992

file name: Peter Fraterdeus A I Quanta Thin 1992

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997 Poster by Stephen Coles 2013

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997 Poster by Fernanda D Andrea 2013 e

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997 Poster by Fernanda D Andrea 2013

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script 1997 Poster by Fernanda D Andrea 2013b

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script Pro Semibold 1997

file name: Richard Lipton Bickham Script Pro Semibold 1997b

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html