TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:22:07 EDT 2025
[Dario Hofstetter]
Swiss outfit involved in type design. Run by graphic students at the HGKL, Amadeus Waltenspühl and Dario Hofstetter. They made 100 free truetype/opentype fonts: 001_monograf, 002_drei, 003_itchi, 004_tschiipoint, 005_dock, 006_molekular, 007_dart, 008_retne, 009_deuxtrois, 010_spacetab, 011_profil, 012_fumer, 013_sarger, 014_palcode, 015_chemic, 016_password, 017_river, 018_quader, 019_drugs, 020_cageone, 021_kravall, 022_tabs, 023_secret, 024_mops, 025_gitter, 026_a.dur, 027_fugu, 028_setball, 029_mars, 030_meteor, 031_code, 032_norm, 033_moses, 034_nonono, 035_raserblade, 036_rufio, 037_sugus, 038_xenix, 039_trace, 040_pepper, 041_collaps, 042_groove, 043_trickshot, 044_machine, 045_balk, 045_wood, 046_holeinone, 047_RZ, 048_blocktab, 049_raffel, 050_plaid, 051_bensen, 052_sargo, 053_window, 054_shavetab, 055_ruine, 056_dotsperinch, 057_amenon, 058_ment, 059_darttwo, 060_pointless, 061_skyline, 062_fett, 063_core, 064_enter, 065_arche, 066_screendesign, 067_chemicout, 068_b.dur, 069_korn, 070_salzstreuer, 071_archrune, 072_minim, 073_elloco, 074_opera, 075_fatcap, 076_flash, 077_manson, 078_upper, 079_render, 080_etage, 081_invader, 082_sagur, 083_korsett, 084_nagasaki, 085_mugge, 086_read, 087_macro, 088_amenam, 089_roomate, 090_worms, 091_wirbel, 092_please, 093_keyboard, 094_actop, 095_pina, 096_m.1280, 097_c.dur, 098_bens, 099_insider, 100_cagetwo. These are mostly pixel fonts, or basic shapes for ornaments. None of them are complete, but that is not the point---they are experimental. |
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Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html |