Traffic System Typefaces
The typophiles are listing traffic system typefaces used in various countries. Here is a partial list extracted from that thread. Images collected by Ralf Herrmann. - USA and Canada: FHWA Series Fonts/Clearview
- Australia: FHWA Series Fonts (modified)
- Malaysia: FHWA Series
- Germany: DIN Mittelschrift/Engschrift
- Great Britain: Transport/Motorway
- The Netherlands: ANWB-Ee/ANWB-Uu
- Austria: Mittelschrift/Engschrift Austria
- Switzerland: ASTRA Frutiger
- Sweden: Tratex
- Norway: Trafikkalfabetet
- Italy: Traffic Type Spain, aka Carretera Convencional
- Spain: For signage on highways, freeways and normal car-roads, the Autopista font (Highway Gothic). For normal streets, urban sorroundings, the Carretera Convencional font (aka Traffic Type Spain 1, and as CCRIGE).
- Portugal: JAE.
- Denmark: Dansk Vejtavleskrift.
- France: L1/L2, L3/L4
- Greece, Czech Republik, Latvia: DIN
- Estonia: Arial
- Hong Kong: transport
- Belgium: SNV-regular or SNV-condensed (SNV: Association Suisse de Normalisation). SNV Extra Condensed is designed by Verein Schweizer in 1972.
- Poland: See here
Traffic System Typefaces
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