TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Jan 29 16:48:12 EST 2025






Gustavo Soares

Graduate of the KABK in Den Haag in 2008 (Masters in Type and Media), and from the University of Reading in 2007 (Masters in Information Design). He joined dooType in 2016. Originally from Sao Paulo but now based in Rio de Janeiro, he created these typefaces:

  • The text family Pocket (2008). His graduation project at KABK.
  • In 2012, the Dalton Maag Brazil team designed the font for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. The 5448-character connected script font Rio2016 was developed by Dalton Maag Brazil, and involved a team that includes Fabio Haag, Fernando Caro and Gustavo Soares. Beth Lula is the Branding Director of the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games Organising Committee. Passages of the press release: Each letter expresses a characteristic of Rio 2016 Games, its people and city. The letters are written with a single continuous linework, with a fast and fluid movement, suggesting the movements of the athletes in action. The variety of curves in the letters has a unique informality, inspired by the joyfulness of the Brazilian people. Fabio Haag, Creative Director at Dalton Maag: As a Brazilian typophile, designing the Rio 2016 font was a dream job. This is a milestone for the design scene in Brazil---it's a great example of how type designers can collaborate with graphic designers, sharing their expertise to strengthen an identity.
  • Veja Serif (2013). This is the new typeface for Veja, Brazil's leading weekly news magazine. This project originated from a specific demand to improve the publication's reading experience on screen, while keeping the type visually close to Times Roman. The team consisted of Gustavo Soares (creative direction), Eduilson Coan (type design), Fernando Mello (consultant) and Paratype (hinting). Veja Serif replaces VJ Times.
  • dT Jakob (2017). This typeface started out in 2007 as a revival of Jakob Erbar's grotesk from 1927 in Paul van der Laan's class at KABK. It was refined and completed in 2017 at dooType with the help of Eduilson Wessler Coan. In 2018, Gustavo Soares and Eduilson Coan developed the variable inline and shadow font dT Jakob Variable Concept.

Alternate URL. Behance link. Old URL.

Gustavo Soares
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ The Brazilian type scene ⦿ Corporate typefaces ⦿ Variable fonts ⦿

file name: Eduilson Wessler Coan Gustavo Soares d T Jakob 2017 244460

file name: Eduilson Wessler Coan Gustavo Soares d T Jakob 2017 244464

file name: Eduilson Wessler Coan Gustavo Soares d T Jakob 2017 244465

file name: Eduilson Wessler Coan Gustavo Soares d T Jakob 2017 244466

file name: Eduilson Wessler Coan Gustavo Soares d T Jakob 2017 244467

file name: Eduilson Wessler Coan Gustavo Soares d T Jakob 2017 244468

file name: Eduilson Wessler Coan Gustavo Soares d T Jakob 2017

file name: Eduilson Wessler Coan Gustavo Soares d T Jakob 2017a

file name: Dalton Maag Fabio Haag Rio2016 2012

file name: Dalton Maag Fernando Caro Rio2016 2012

file name: Dalton Maag Team Beth Lula Rio2016 2012

file name: Dalton Maag Rio2016 2012b

file name: Dalton Maag Rio2016 2012c

file name: Dalton Maag Rio2016 2012d

file name: Dalton Maag Rio2016 2012e

file name: Dalton Maag Rio2016 2012f

file name: Rio2016 Logo

file name: Dalton Maag Rio2016 2012

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html