350 Designs
A list of links to good free clean legible fonts collected by someone in Edmonton. Well, with a few exceptions like Linotype's Helvetica Neue... Here is that list: Ambrosia Anivers, Asenine, Aurulent Sans, Babel Sans, Bastardus Sans, Bebas, Bitstream Vera Mono, Blue Highway, BPReplay, Cicle, Decker, Diavlo, District Thin, Dustismo, Engel Light, Enigmatic, Eurofurence, Eurofurence Light, Existence Light, Fertigo Pro, Florence Sans, Folks, Forgotten Futurist, FranKleinBook, Futura Light, Geosans Light, Gill Sans, Gnuolance, Graublau Web, Grutch Grotesk, Helvetica Neue Light, Helvetica Neue UltraLight, Howie's Funhouse, Josef Pro Light, Lacuna, Lane Narrow, London Between, Mammagamma, Mandinga, Mank Sans, Mean 26 Sans, M+ Light, Museo Sans, Myndraine, Myriad Pro, Myriad Pro Condensed, National First, Nevis, Nuvo OT, Pakenham, Perspective Sans, Petita Light, Phoenix Sans, Print Clearly, Puritan, Qlassiuk Medium, Sansumi, Santana, Schul Vokal, Secret Code, SF New Republic, SF Old Republic, Soul Papa, Steelfish (see also here), Steiner, Stentinga, Street, Tall Films, Tradition Sans, Trebuchet, Walkway, Weezer, Y2K Neophyte.
350 Designs
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