TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Mar 3 11:22:32 EST 2025






RUSH Font Project [Sami Artur Mandelbaum]

From the web site: The Rush Font Project is a collaboration between Rush fans who have pooled their resources to compile a library of all available fonts used in the album art of Rush [...] The Rush Font Project is a collaboration between Eric Hansen, Hank Niemczyk and Sami Mandelbaum, whose assistance in creating the Rush fonts has been invaluable. Special thanks to Dave Ward, creator of the "Hemispheres" font.

The fonts, mostly dated 2005-2006: AShowofHands, Anatomy, AnatomyFill, AnatomyGuides (a Codex-style typeface), AnatomyGuides, AnatomyOutline, AnatomyOutline, Bravado, CaressofSteel, Chronicles, Counterparts-Italic, Counterparts, DerTrommler-Regular, Dreamline, Exit...StageLeft-Bold, Exit...StageLeft-BoldItalic, Exit...StageLeft-Italic, Exit...StageLeft, FarewellToKings, FeedBack (Arnold Boecklin ripoff?), FlyByNight, GhostRider, GraceUnderPressure, GrandDesigns, GrandDesignsLined, Hemispheres, HoldYourFire, HoldYourFireBlack, JacobsLadder, Kofia, Limbo-Italic, MaskedRider, MomosDanceParty, MovingPictures, MyFavoriteHeadache, OBaterista, OneLittleVictory, PermanentWaves (the text says that this is a Stu's Diner font from 1999), PoweWindows, Presto, R30, R40, Replay-Bold, Replay-Regular, RoadShow, RollTheBones-Bold, RollTheBones, Signals, Snakes&Arrows-Bold, Snakes&Arrows, Snakes&ArrowsLight, SpiritofRadio, Strangiato, SummertimeBlues, Syrinx, TestForEcho-Italic, TestForEcho, VaporTrail, Victor, WorkInProgress-Bold, WorkInProgress-BoldItalic, WorkInProgress-Italic, WorkInProgress, WorkInProgressSwash-RomanItalic, WorkingMan. Mandelbaum made Chronicles and FlyByNight. Unclear who "made" the other fonts. I say "made", because this sure looks like an exercise in renaming commercial fonts.

RUSH Font Project
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Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Codex-like fonts ⦿ Typefaces related to radio ⦿ Typefaces with arrows ⦿

file name: Rush Font Earthshine 2006

file name: Rush Font Project Anatomy 2005

file name: Rush Font Project Anatomy Guides 2005

file name: Rush Font Project Anatomy Outline 2021

file name: Rush Font Project Bravado 2006

file name: Sami Artur Mandelbaum Chronicles 2006

file name: Rush Font Project Der Trommler 2008

file name: Rush Font Project Feed Back 2006

file name: Rush Font Project Jacobs Ladder 2004

file name: Rush Font Project Moving Pictures 2002

file name: Rush Font Project r30 2006

file name: Rush Font Projectext Stage Left 2006

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html