TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:23:07 EDT 2025






Smashing Magazine: 60 Brilliant Typefaces For Corporate Design

Smashing Magazine's 2008 list of the best web type typefaces: Affair, Agile, Anziano Pro, Archer, Arno Pro, Athelas, Basic Commercial, Beorcana, Bree, Buffet Script, Candy Script, Celeste Sans OT, Chronicle Deck&Display, Chronicle Text, Costa PTF, DST Glosa, Dancer, Ealing, FF Absara Headline, FF Bau, FF Eureka Sans, FF Meta Serif, FF Unit Rounded, FF Utility, FP Dancer, Fondo, Frida, Ghttp://www.fontshop.com/fonts/singles/suitcase/gloriola_std_display_fat/loriola, Graphik, Haptic, Kinescope, Malaga, Maquette, Marat, Mercury Text, Museo, National, Newzald, Nexus, Olicana, Omnes, Paralucent, Prelo, Presidencia, Publico, Quiosco, Region, Rondana, Ronnia, Sloop, Stag Sans, Syntax, Thesis, Trinité, Vesper, Voluta, Whitney, Xtra Sans.

Similar earlier posts include this and this.

Smashing Magazine: 60 Brilliant Typefaces For Corporate Design
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Choice of fonts ⦿ Font examples ⦿

file name: Christian Schwartz Erik Spiekermann F F Bau 2001 2004

file name: Alejandro Paul Candy Script 2007 poster by Matias Rodriguez 2019

file name: Alejandro Paul Candy Script

file name: Alejandro Paul Candy Script 2007

file name: Michael Parson Ealing 2011d

file name: Michael Parson Ealing 2011e

file name: Carl Crossgrove Beorcana Pro 2013

file name: Carl Crossgrove Beorcana Pro 2013

file name: Carl Crossgrove Beorcana Pro 2013

file name: Terrestrial Design Beorcana Pro 2022 1

file name: Terrestrial Design Beorcana Pro 2022

file name: Hoefler Mercury Text G1

file name: Kris Sowersby Newzald Book 2008

file name: Kris Sowersby Newzald Book 2008b

file name: Erik Spiekermann Christian Schwartz Meta Serif Pro Medium 2007

file name: Hoefler Type Foundry Whitney Index Black Round Md 20034

file name: Hoefler Type Foundry Whitney Index Black Round Md 20034b

file name: Jonathan Hoefler Tobias Frere Jones Whitney Medium 2004

file name: Joshua Darden Jesse Ragan Omnes 2006

file name: Mark Simonson Kinescope 2007

file name: Mark Simonson Kinescope 2007b

file name: Mark Simonson Kinescope 2007 Poster by Bill Dawson 2015

file name: Stefan Hattenbach Anziano Pro 2021 1

file name: Stefan Hattenbach Anziano Pro 2021 2

file name: Stefan Hattenbach Anziano Pro 2021 4

file name: Stefan Hattenbach Anziano Pro 2021 5

file name: Stefan Hattenbach Anziano Pro 2021

file name: Paul Barnes Christian Schwartz Publico Headline Black 2010

file name: Paul Barnes Christian Schwartz Publico Headline Black 2010b

file name: Paul Barnes Christian Schwartz Publico Headline Roman 2010

file name: Paul Barnes Christian Schwartz Publico Text Bold 2010

file name: G Type Collection Olicana 2011

file name: Nick Cooke Olicana 2009h

file name: Nick Cooke Olicana 2009

file name: Nick Cooke Olicana

file name: Cyrus Highsmith Quiosco 2006

file name: Cyrus Highsmith Quiosco Semibold 2006

file name: Lukas Schneider F F Utility 2007

file name: Arno Pro

file name: A R S Maquette P R O specimen

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html