TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Feb 9 12:21:59 EST 2025






The League of Movable Type [Caroline Hadilaksono]

Another cooperative where one can submit open source fonts, which is currently located in Anaheim, CA. Initial contributors in 2009 are Micah Rich, Caroline Hadilaksono, Haley Fiege, and Andrea Bergamini. The project was started by Micah Rich and Caroline Hadilaksono. Their manifesto: As designers on the web, we have a calling to raise the standards of the web-design world. We're not the only ones who value good design, and it's time for the web world to catch up with it. We understand the challenges that comes with the internet, but with our recent discovery of @font-face, we started getting excited. For those who aren't up to speed, @font-face is a fairly new addition to web styling, letting a designer specify the location of their own font files. Instead of having to design with just a handful of web-friendly fonts, we'll be able to use any typeface we desire. Well, that's our vision, anyway. There are people who design typefaces for a living, and we want them to make money off of something that they do well. This revolution is not a movement against type foundries and type designers; it's quite the opposite. The kind of revolution we want is a change in the way people think about doing business. We want type foundries and typographers to start thinking, "Maybe there's nothing wrong with giving things away sometimes." It's not always about the money, sometimes it's also about making a contribution to the society, in this case, the design community. Giving one typeface away for free will most likely only boost sales, and it's a good deed. We want more people to look at it like that: like they have a responsibility to do something good for their peers. We're not asking type designers and type foundries to sacrifice profit, we're asking them to contribute to a greater cause, to create a community where we not only have a high design standard for print and web alike, but also a community where we're able to share our creations, knowledge, and expertise with our peers and the world. Blog.

In-house free font creations include League Gothic (2009-2011) [League Gothic is a revival of an old classic, and one of our favorite typefaces, Alternate Gothic No.1. It was originally designed by Morris Fuller Benton for the American Type Founders Company (ATF) in 1903. The company went bankrupt in 1993. And since the original typeface was created before 1923, the typeface is in the public domain.] and League Spartan (2014) [a bold geometric sans based on ATF's Spartan].

In 2017, they started an on-line type design course with type designer Thomas Jockin.

The League of Movable Type
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Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Type news ⦿ Open source fonts ⦿ Morris Fuller Benton ⦿ Type scene in California ⦿

file name: The Leagueof Moveable Type League Spartan Bold 2014

file name: Matt Bailey Tyler Finck League Spartan

file name: The Leagueof Moveable Type League Spartan Bold 2014b

file name: The League Of Movable Type League Gothic 2009 2011 after Morris Fuller Benton Alternate Gothic No1 1903

file name: The League Of Movable Type League Gothic 2009 2011 after Morris Fuller Benton Alternate Gothic No1 1903a

file name: The League Of Movable Type League Gothic 2009 2011 after Morris Fuller Benton Alternate Gothic No1 1903b

file name: The League Of Movable Type League Gothic 2009 2011 after Morris Fuller Benton Alternate Gothic No1 1903c

file name: The League Of Movable Type League Gothic 2009 2011 after Morris Fuller Benton Alternate Gothic No1 1903d

file name: The League Of Movable Type League Gothic 2009 2011 after Morris Fuller Benton Alternate Gothic No1 1903e

file name: A T F Alternate Gothic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html