TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:23:11 EDT 2025






Caroline Hadilaksono

Designer currently living in Los Angeles. She graduated from Otis College of Art and Design graphic design program, with a minor in illustration, and founded the open source type cooperative The League of Movable Type with Micah Rich in 2009. Designer, with Tyler Finck, of Junction (2009), about which she writes: Inspired by my favorite humanist sans serif typefaces, such as Meta, Myriad, and Scala, Junction is where the best qualities of serif and sans serif typefaces come together. It has the hand-drawn and human qualities of a serif, and still retains the clarity and efficiencies of a sans serif typeface. It combines the best of both worlds. Junction was updated in 2014.

Co-designer, with Micah Rich and Tyler Finck, of League Gothic (2009-2011), which is modeled after Morris Fuller Benton's Alternate Gothic No. 1 (1903), and League Spartan Bold (2014), which is a revival of ATF's Spartan.

Kernest link. Klingspor link. The League of Movable Type link.

Caroline Hadilaksono
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type scene in California ⦿ Open source fonts ⦿

file name: The Leagueof Moveable Type League Spartan Bold 2014

file name: The Leagueof Moveable Type League Spartan Bold 2014b

file name: Matt Bailey Tyler Finck League Spartan

file name: The League Of Movable Type League Gothic 2009 2011 after Morris Fuller Benton Alternate Gothic No1 1903

file name: The League Of Movable Type League Gothic 2009 2011 after Morris Fuller Benton Alternate Gothic No1 1903a

file name: The League Of Movable Type League Gothic 2009 2011 after Morris Fuller Benton Alternate Gothic No1 1903b

file name: The League Of Movable Type League Gothic 2009 2011 after Morris Fuller Benton Alternate Gothic No1 1903c

file name: The League Of Movable Type League Gothic 2009 2011 after Morris Fuller Benton Alternate Gothic No1 1903d

file name: The League Of Movable Type League Gothic 2009 2011 after Morris Fuller Benton Alternate Gothic No1 1903e

file name: Caroline Hadilaksono Junction 2009

file name: Caroline Hadilaksono Junction 2009d

file name: Caroline Hadilaksono Junction 2009b

file name: Caroline Hadilaksono Junction 2009c

file name: Caroline Hadilaksono Junction 2014

file name: Caroline Hadilaksono Junction 2014b

file name: Caroline Hadilaksono Junction 2014c

file name: Caroline Hadilaksono Junction 2014d

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html