TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:23:33 EDT 2025






Tania Alvarez Zaldivar

Talented Mexican graphic designer and digital artist (b. 1985) who was based in Montreal but is now back in Mexico City. She pushed the boundaries of experimental typography with creations like Fabric Type (2009), which was developed at Concordia University in Montreal, where she obtained a BFA in design in 2009. She continued her studies at EINA in Barcelona, graduating in 2010.

Her early typefaces: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Sukkhos (Mr. Softie) | Overseas Type (2010, done at Concordia University in Montreal) | Moda Barcelona (2011).

In 2010, she designed the map face Cartola, which grew out of a project at EINA in Barcelona and is based on Mrs Eaves. Mar 34 (2011) designed exclusively for the identity of Estruch, a restaurant located at the Plaza of the Cathedral in downtown Barcelona. The project was made in collaboration with Raquel Quevedo, who used the typeface for designing a graphic system for the identity. Both the face&the graphic design are based on postal service paraphernalia. Momo (2011) is a typeface that is developed based on the concepts of dada by El Lissitsky&Kurt Schwitters.

In 2013, she graduated from the Type & Media program at KABK in Den Haag with a text typeface called Botanica that is geared towards scientific publications.

In 2018, she published Tara at Indian Type Foundry. Designed for immersive reading, it has considerable contrast and wedge serifs.

Behance link. Old URL.

Tania Alvarez Zaldivar
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Font examples ⦿ Type design in Quebec ⦿ Type design in Mexico ⦿ Map/Travel dingbats ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type design in Catalunya ⦿ Dadaism ⦿

file name: Tania Alvarez Tara 2018 263471

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file name: Tania Alvarez Tara 2018 263476

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file name: Tania Alvarez Tara 2018 263479

file name: Tania Alvarez Tara 2018

file name: Tania Alvarez Tara 2018

file name: Tania Alvarez Cartola 2010 2011

file name: Tania Alvarez Cartola 2010 2011b

file name: Tania Alvarez Cartola 2011b

file name: Tania Alvarez Mar34 2011

file name: Tania Alvarez Moda Barcelona 2011

file name: Tania Alvarez Momo 2011

file name: Tania Alvarez Botanica 2013

file name: Tania Alvarez Botanica 2013b

file name: Tania Alvarez Botanica 2013c

file name: Tania Alvarez Botanica 2013d

file name: Tania Alvarez Botanica 2013e

file name: Tania Alvarez Botanica 2013f

file name: Tania Alvarez Botanica 2013g

file name: Tania Alvarez Overseas Type 2011

file name: Tania Alvarez Mr Softie Sukkhos

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html