TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:23:45 EDT 2025






Kernest [Garrick Van Buren]

A site that offers to host fonts for use in @fontface tags on web pages. I do not quite understand the pricing---somewhere it says, for example, that Abia Wide by Tkachenko will cost 15 dollars per year and per web site. It is unclear who pays who in the triangle "web site (html page) maker", "font designer", "Kernest". I believe that some are free. Fontue is a free open-source, web font server built for Kernest.com. The list of designers participating in this effort is impressive.

The list of designers as of March 2010: A. Korolkova | Aj Paglia | Alec Julien | Alexander Fell | Alexander Kalachev | Alexey Kryukov | Alexey Maslov | Andrew Paglinawan | Andrey V. Panov | Andy Chung | Annie Olsen | Apostolos Syropoulos | Apostrophic Labs | Ascender Corporation | B. Jackowski | Barry Schwartz | Ben Weiner | Bernd Montag | Bitstream | Bo Linnemann | Brandon Schoech | Caius Chance | Cal Henderson | Caroline Hadilaksono | Chank Diesel | Charles Bigelow | Choz Cunningham | Chris Miller | Christian Ghirardi | Christophe Féray | Coji Morishita | Colin Willems | Daniel Johnson | Daniel Midgley | Darren Rigby | Dave Crossland | Derek Weathersbee | Diego Quintana | Dieter Steffmann | Dimitri Castrique | Dot Colon | Dustin Norlander | Eat Street Fontmaking Workshop | Ed Merritt | Edgar Tadeo | Eric Schiller | Fontsite | Fredrick Nader | Friedrich Althausen | Garrett Le Sage | Georg Seifert | George Triantafyllakos | Giovanniello | Graham Meade | Greyscale | Gurkan Sengun | Haley Fiege | Han The Thanh | Harold Lohner | Hiran Venugopalan | Hirwen Harendal | J.M. Nowacki | James Puckett | Jan Gerner | Jan Sonntag | Janusz M. Nowacki | Jason Kottke | Jeffrey Visser | Jeroen Klaver | Jess Latham | Johan Aakerlund | Johan Mattsson | John Stracke | Jon Hicks | Jovanny Lemonad | Juan Pablo De Gregorio | Justus Erich Walbaum | Kris Holmes | La Tipomatika | Libertine Open Fonts Project | Lithu K Kumar | Ludivine Loiseau | M+ Fonts | Manfred Klein | Marcelo Magalhaes | Mark Simonson | Marko Jovanovac | Markus Waeger | Matt Mc Inerney | Matthew Welch | Meredith Mandel | Michael Tension | MÃ¥rten Nettelbladt | Nadia Knechtle | Nick Curtis | O. Umpeleva | Orgdot Consortium | Oscar Marchal | Patrick Broderick | Paul Lloyd | Paulo Silva | Peter Hoffman | Peter Wiegel | Philipp H. Poll | Philippe Cochy | Ralph Oliver Du Carrois | Raph Levien | Richard A. Ware | Robby Woodard | Robert Norton | Rodrigo Fuenzalida | Rogier Van Dalen | Roman Yershov | Ryoichi Tsunekawa | Ryoichi Tsunekawa Bagel | Sil Nrsi Team | Sebastian Mechelk | Sergiy Tkachenko | Sparanoid | Steeve Gruson | Stephen C. Gilardi | Stephen G. Hartke | Steve Jordi | Steve Matteson | Thatcher Ulrich | Thomas Schraitle | Tino Meinert | Tom Murphy 7 | Tom Tor | Tup Wanders | Tyler Finck | V. Yefimov | Valek Filippov | Vic Fieger | Victor Gaultney | Wolf Bain X | Yann Le Coroller | Yeah Noah | Yusuke Kamiyamane | Zygfryd Gardzielewski | Afrojet | Catrina | Craig Kroeger | Ficod | Gluk | Inkboy | Laura Kristen.

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Fonts and HTML ⦿ Web fonts ⦿ Type scene in Minnesota ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Triangulated typefaces ⦿

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html