TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:23:53 EDT 2025






Frank H. Atkinson

Sign painter from the art nouveau era, who lived in Chicago and worked mostly for Cadillac. His books Sign Painting (1908) and Artkinson's Sign Painting (1915) influenced hand lettering and signpainting for many years afterwards. The following digital fonts are based on his designs:

  • FHA Sign DeVinne (2015, Michael Gene Adkins, James L Stirling).
  • FHA Tuscan Roman (2014, Michael Gene Adkins, James L Stirling).
  • FHA Nicholson French (2012). An art nouveau typeface digitized by The Fontry.
  • FHA Condensed French (2012, by Michael Gene Adkins and James L. Stirling) is based on Frank H. Atkinson's examples.
  • FHA French Eccentric (2009), by Frank Smith and Michael Gene Adkins. FHA Eccentric French Normal (2008) is free at Dafont.
  • FHA Modernized Ideal Classic (2011) by Michael Gene Adkins and James L. Stirling.
  • Bulletin Stub (The Fontry).
  • Book Poster (2010). A series of fonts at The Fontry.
  • Beauvoir (1993, David Nalle).
  • French Plug (2007, HiH).
  • Payzant Pen NF (Nick Curtis) is based on an Atkinson design shown in A Show at Sho-Cards: Comprehensive, Complete, Concise (1918).
  • Atkinson Eccenteric, Atkinson Boomtown and Atkinson Egyptian, all made by David Nalle at Scriptorium.
  • Still by The Fontry: the Broken Poster family (2010). In 2013, Michael Gene Adkins and James Stirling followed this up with the layered system Broken Gothic, which is based on Book Poster as well.
  • Dick Pape created these revival fonts in 2009: ArtNouveauSigns, FHA1908ClassicPlug, FHAAdvertisersThickThinPl, FHAAntiqueBlock, FHAAntiqueRoman, FHAArtNouveau, FHAArtNouveauSigns, FHABradley, FHABulletinPlug, FHABulletinRoman, FHAChicagoTuscan, FHAClassicBlock, FHACondensedFrench, FHAEccentricFrench, FHAEccentricRoman, FHAEngrossingText, FHAExtremeFrenchBold, FHAFrenchRoman, FHAFrenchRomanLight, FHAFullClassicRoman, FHAGunningSingleStroke, FHAHalfClassicRoman, FHAModernizedIdealClassic, FHAModifiedAntiqueTuscanRom, FHAModifiedPlug, FHANewYorkRoman, FHANicholsonFrench, FHAPosterBlock, FHARoundBlockThickThin, FHARoundFullBlock, FHAShowCardFrench, FHASignPaintersPlymouth, FHASingleStrokeBlock, FHASingleStrokeTuscan, FHASpikeSpurFrench, FHAStonehouseEgyptian, FHAWesternLightTuscan, FHAWesternRoman, FHAWesternSingleStroke. Download page.

Frank H. Atkinson
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type scene in Illinois ⦿ Art Nouveau typefaces ⦿ Nick Curtis ⦿ Signage typefaces ⦿ Western fonts ⦿ Dick Pape's typefaces ⦿ Tuscan fonts ⦿

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Modernized Ideal Classic 2011

file name: Nick Curtis Payzant Pen 2001

file name: Nick Curtis Payzant Pen N F 2010

file name: Nick Curtis Payzant Pen N F 2010b

file name: Michael Gene Adkins F H A Nicholson French 2014

file name: Michael Gene Adkins F H A Nicholson French 2014b

file name: The Fontrry F H A Nicholson French 2012

file name: The Fontrry F H A Nicholson French 2012b

file name: The Fontrry F H A Nicholson French 2012c

file name: Michael Gene Adkins F H A Nicholson French 2012

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Condensed French 2012

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Condensed French 2012b

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Condensed French 2012c

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Condensed French 2012d

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Condensed French 2012e

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Condensed French 2012f

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Condensed French 2012g

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Condensed French 2012h

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Condensed French 2012i

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Condensed French 2012j

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Condensed French 2012k

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Condensed French 2012l

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Condensed French 2012m

file name: The Fontry F H A Condnsed French 2014

file name: Fontry West F H A Sign De Vinne 2015 191798

file name: Fontry West F H A Sign De Vinne 2015 191799

file name: Fontry West F H A Sign De Vinne 2015 191800

file name: Fontry West F H A Sign De Vinne 2015

file name: Fontry West F H A Sign De Vinne 2015b

file name: Fontry West F H A Sign De Vinne 2015c

file name: Fontry West F H A Sign De Vinne 2015d

file name: Fontry West F H A Sign De Vinne 2015e

file name: Fontry West F H A Sign De Vinne 2015f

file name: Fontry West F H A Sign De Vinne 2015g

file name: Fontry West F H A Sign De Vinne 2015h

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Tuscan Roman 2014

file name: Michael Gene Adkins James L Stirling F H A Tuscan Roman 2014b

file name: The Fontry Broken Poster 2010 after Frank H Atkinson

file name: James L Stirling Michael Gene Adkins F H A Broken Gothic 2013

file name: James L Stirling, Michael Gene Adkins F H A Broken Gothic Kondest 2013

file name: Frank Smith Michael Gene Adkins F H A French Eccentric 2009

file name: Scriptorium Atkinson Boomtown

file name: Scriptorium Atkinson Eccentric

file name: Dick Pape F H A1908 Classic Plug.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Advertisers Thick Thin Pl.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Antique Block.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Antique Roman.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Art Nouveau.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Art Nouveau Signs.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Bradley.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Bulletin Plug.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Bulletin Roman.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Chicago Tuscan.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Classic Block.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Condensed French.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Eccentric French.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Eccentric Roman.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Engrossing Text.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Extreme French Bold.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A French Roman.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A French Roman Light.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Full Classic Roman.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Gunning Single Stroke.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Half Classic Roman.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Modernized Ideal Classic.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Modified Antique Tuscan Rom.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Modified Plug.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A New York Roman.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Nicholson French.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Poster Block.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Round Block Thick Thin.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Round Full Block.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Show Card French.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Sign Painters Plymouth.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Single Stroke Block.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Single Stroke Tuscan.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Spike Spur French.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Stonehouse Egyptian.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Western Light Tuscan.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Western Roman.bmp

file name: Dick Pape F H A Western Single Stroke.bmp

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html