TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:24:11 EDT 2025






KTKM [K.T. Kristian Möller]

Karl Thomas Kristian Möller's foundry in Stockholm, est. ca. 2010, is called KTKM. He did a revival called Baskerville Old Face KTKM (2010), which aims to improve over the old Stephenson Blake version, about which Jan Tschichold wrote: The so-called Baskerville Old Face of the type foundry Stephenson Blake&Co. of Sheffield [...] is probably not immediately linked to Baskerville, but it is very much influenced by it. It is one of the most beautiful types of which the mats still exist; it has an incomparably different spirit than the streamlined re-cuts of today's Baskerville. Even keeping the general restraint extremely expressive. According to Berthold Wolpe (Signatures No. 18), the punches were cut and shown in samples in 1776 by Isaac Moore, who came from Birmingham to Bristol.

Corporate typefaces by him include Quality Arrows (pictograams for Quality Hotel park in Södertäje, Sweden) and Hemköp Hand (for a grocery store). Unpublished typefaces: KM Caslon Antiqua (based on the Haas version), KM Caslon Kursiv, KM In Pectore (a display version of Bembo), KM Minerva (after a Linotype typeface by Reynolds Stone), KM Philatelie (an original antiqua), KM Ratio Latein Text (after Friedrich Wilhelm Kleukens's famous typeface Ratio Latein, 1925), KM Signwriter (a Trajan typeface after Eric Gill's instructions for the W.H. Smith bookstore), KM Universalitet.

In 2013, he created Volunta Roman and Italic (a didone typeface).

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Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Type design in Sweden ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Caslon ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Corporate typefaces ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Typefaces inspired by the Trajan column in Rome ⦿ Typefaces with arrows ⦿ Baskerville ⦿ Eric Gill and his typefaces ⦿ Bembo ⦿

file name: Kristian Moeller Hemkop Hand 2013

file name: Kristian Moeller Hemkop Hand 2013b

file name: Kristian Moeller Hemkop Hand 2013c

file name: Kristian Moeller K M Caslon Antiqua 2013

file name: Kristian Moeller K M Caslon Antiqua 2013b

file name: Kristian Moeller K M Caslon Kursiv 2013

file name: Kristian Moeller K M Caslon Kursiv 2013b

file name: Kristian Moeller K M Epitome 2013

file name: Kristian Moeller K M In Pectore 2013

file name: Kristian Moeller K M In Pectore 2013b

file name: Kristian Moeller K M Minerva 2013 after Reynolds Stone

file name: Kristian Moeller K M Minerva 2013 after Reynolds Stone

file name: Kristian Moeller K M Philatelie 2013

file name: Kristian Moeller K M Philatelie 2013b

file name: Kristian Moeller K M Ratio Latein 2013 after F W Kleukens Ratio Latein 1925

file name: Kristian Moeller K M Ratio Latein 2013 after F W Kleukens Ratio Latein 1925b

file name: Kristian Moeller K M Signwriter 2013

file name: Kristian Moeller Q K M Universalitet 2013

file name: Kristian Moeller Quality Arrows 2013

file name: Kristian Moeller Quality Arrows 2013b

file name: Kristian Moeller Stamp 2013

file name: Kristian Moeller Volunta Roman Italic 2013

file name: K T K M Baskerville Old Face K T K M 2010

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html