TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:24:15 EDT 2025






Martin Silvertant

Dutch freelance graphic, logo, type and web designer, b. 1989. He operated as MS Designs. In 2010, he made an extensive comic book / fat finger typeface called Dion which was used in a national Dutch campaign "Zonder Cash ben je nergens" (You're nowhere without Cash). Celente (a transitional typeface) is also from 2010. Modani is an unfinished didone from 2010.

He writes: I am now working on several typefaces including a modern grotesque typeface called Dagon Sans, an antique humanist/grotesque typeface called Crouton Grotesque, a sturdy transitional typeface with oldstyle elements called Icarus (+ Icarus Sans) and a modern serif called Hagel (+ Hagel Slab).

In 2011, he created Icarus (text family), Icarus Sans, Triumviraat (+Display, +Sans, a flared family), Kolibrie (humanist sans), Noorderlicht (after Gerrit Noordzij's Ruse), and Noorderlicht Sans (both were discontinued), Crouton Grotesque, Celcius (his most complete font family yet) and Dagon.

Typefaces from 2012: Dion Sans, Crouton Grotesque, Scaenarium Unus (free blackletter / metal band / tattoo font), Hagel (serif family), Hagel Slab and Hafnium (angular typeface), Aghari Sans.

In 2013, he published the text typefaces Daser and Santi.

Typefaces from 2016: Zilver (a letterpress emulation text typeface based on Fleischmann's work).

Dafont link. Deviantart link. Ba'al web site [Ba'al is the name Martin uses for projects for Metal bands].

Martin Silvertant
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Dutch type design ⦿ Comic/cartoon fonts ⦿ Modern style [Bodoni, Didot, Walbaum, Thorowgood, Computer Modern, etc.] ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ Tattoo fonts ⦿ Letterpress ⦿

file name: Martin Silvertant Zilver 2017

file name: Martin Silvertant Zilver 2017b

file name: Martin Silvertant Zilver 2017c

file name: Martin Silvertant Zilver 2017d

file name: Martin Silvertant Zilver 2017e

file name: Martin Silvertant Zilver 2017f

file name: Martin Silvertant Dion 2010

file name: Martin Silvertant Dion Sans 2012

file name: Martin Silvertant Aghari Sans 2012

file name: Martin Silvertant Daser 2013

file name: Martin Silvertant Santi 2013

file name: Martin Silvertant Hagel 2012

file name: Martin Silvertant Hagel 2012b

file name: Martin Silvertant Hagel 2012d

file name: Martin Silvertannt Hagel Regular

file name: Martin Silvertant Hagel Slab 2012

file name: Martin Silvertant Modani 2010

file name: Martin Silvertant Icarus 2011

file name: Martin Silvertant Icarus Sans 2011

file name: Martin Silvertant Kolibrie 2011

file name: Martin Silvertant Noorderlicht 2011

file name: Martin Silvertant Noorderlicht Sans 2011

file name: Martin Silvertant Crouton Grotesque 2012

file name: Martin Silvertant triumviraat 2011

file name: Martin Silvertant Celcius 2011

file name: Martin Silvertant Celente 2010

file name: Martin Silvertant Dagon Sans 2011

file name: Martin Silvertant Hafnium 2012

file name: Martin Silvertant Scaenarium Unus 2012

file name: Martin Silvertant Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html