TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Feb 16 12:28:48 EST 2025






Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) is one of the most influential fiction writers of the early 20th century; a novelist and writer of short stories whose works, only after his death, came to be regarded as one of the major achievements of 20th century literature. He was born to middle class German-speaking Jewish parents in Prague, Bohemia [now capital of the Czech Republic, but then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire]. Kafka's work-the novels The Trial (1925), The Castle (1926) and Amerika (1927), as well as short stories including The Metamorphosis (1915) and In the Penal Colony (1914)-is now collectively considered to be among the most original bodies of work in modern Western literature. Much of his work, unfinished at the time of his death, was published posthumously.

He has nothing to do with type design, except for the fact that I use the term Kafkaesque to describe a gloomy, dark and/or illogical style of lettering. Well, not totally true---some people have tried to digitize his handwriting, most notably Julia Sysmalainen in her typefaces Josef K Paneuropean (2015) and Mister K (2008).

Franz Kafka
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Kafkaesque typefaces ⦿ Type design in Czechia ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿

file name: Franz Kafka Amerika

file name: Franz Kafka Letter To Father

file name: Franz Kafka Prague

file name: Franz Kafka Pic

file name: Julia Sysmalainen Josef K Paneuropean 2015 182483

file name: Julia Sysmalainen Josef K Paneuropean 2015 182488

file name: Julia Sysmalainen Josef K Paneuropean 2015 182489

file name: Julia Sysmalainen Josef K Paneuropean 2015 182491

file name: Julia Sysmalainen Josef K Paneuropean 2015 182492

file name: Julia Sysmalainen Josef K Paneuropean 2015 182494

file name: Julia Sysmalainen Josef K Paneuropean 2015 182495

file name: Julia Sysmalainen Josef K Paneuropean 2015

file name: Julia Sysmalainen Mister K2008 Franz Kafka Hand Original

file name: Julia Sysmalainen Mister K2008d

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html