TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Sun Feb 16 12:29:09 EST 2025







Letter.2 was the Second Type Design Competition of ATypI. All typefaces published (commercially or non-commercially) between October 2001 and August 2011 were allowed to enter the competition. The jury met in Buenos Aires in October 2011. The winning designs will be exhibited at the 2012 ATypI conference. The jury consisted of Ruben Fontana, Lucie Lacava, Akira Kobayashi, Peter Bilak, John Hudson, Fiona Ross and Gerry Leonidas. The chair was José Scaglione. Typophile page (where there are several unhappy discussants who point out that several winners had ties to or worked for the sponsors of the competition). The results:

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Past type competitions ⦿

file name: Ken Barber Smidgen 2011

file name: Ken Barber Smidgen 2011c

file name: Ken Barber Smidgen 2011d

file name: Robert Slimbach Brioso Pro Medium 2002

file name: Robert Slimbach Adobe Clean U X Bold 2008 2018

file name: Khajag Apelian Arek 2012e

file name: Khajag Apelian Arek Extra Bold 2012

file name: Khajag Apelian Arek Italic 2012

file name: Richard Lipton Tangier 2010

file name: Kris Sowersby Tiempos Ancestry 2018

file name: Kris Sowersby Tiempos Fine 2018

file name: Kris Sowersby Tiempos Fine 2018

file name: Kris Sowersby Tiempos Fine 2018

file name: Kris Sowersby Tiempos Fine 2018

file name: Kris Sowersby Tiempos Text Bold 2018

file name: Kris Sowersby Tiempos Text Medium 2018

file name: Evert Bloemsma F F Legato 2004b

file name: Evert Bloemsma F F Legato Offc Bold S C 2004

file name: Evert Bloemsma F F Legato Offc Light 2004

file name: Evert Bloemsma F F Legato Offc Pro Bold 2004

file name: Gabriel Martinez Meave Telcel Sans 2011c

file name: Travis Kochel F F Chartwell 2012e

file name: Rod Mc Donald Carl Crossgrove Egyptian Slate 2009 Poster by Audrey Thompson 2018

file name: Rod Mc Donald Carl Crossgrove Egyptian Slate 2009 Poster by Logan Grounds 2019

file name: Rod Mc Donald Carl Crossgrove Egyptian Slate 2009

file name: Rod Mc Donald Carl Crossgrove Egyptian Slate 2009 Poster by Gerald Robinson 2017

file name: Rod Mc Donald Carl Crossgrove Egyptian Slate 2009b

file name: Rod Mc Donald Carl Crossgrove Egyptian Slate Pro Black 2009

file name: Rod Mc Donald Carl Crossgrove Egyptian Slate 2009 Poster by Tom Smith 2014

file name: Rod Mc Donald Carl Crossgrove Egyptian Slate 2009 Poster by Tom Smith 2014b

file name: Rod Mc Donald Carl Crossgrove Egyptian Slate 2009 Poster by Tom Smith 2014c

file name: Christian Schwartz Neue Haas Grotesk 2012 77946

file name: Christian Schwartz Neue Haas Grotesk 2012d

file name: Christian Schwartz Neue Haas Grotesk 2011

file name: Christian Schwartz Neue Haas Grotesk 2011b

file name: Christian Schwartz Neue Haas Grotesk 2011c

file name: Christian Schwartz Neue Haas Grotesk 2011d

file name: Christian Schwartz Neue Haas Grotesk 2011e

file name: Christian Schwartz Neue Haas Grotesk 2011f

file name: Christian Schwartz Neue Haas Grotesk 2011g

file name: Christian Schwartz Neue Haas Grotesk 2011h

file name: Christian Schwartz Neue Haas Grotesk 2012 Poster by Antonia Smith 2017

file name: Christianschwartz Neue Haas Grotesk Display Pro95 Black 2015

file name: Bahman Eslami Harir 2010b

file name: Bahman Eslami Harir 2010c

file name: Bahman Eslami Harir 2010d

file name: Bahman Eslami Harir 2010e

file name: Bahman Eslami Harir 2010f

file name: Bahman Eslami Harir 2010g

file name: Bahman Eslami Harir 2010h

file name: Bahman Eslami Harir 2010i

file name: Titus Nemeth Nassim 2011e

file name: Titus Nemeth Nassim 2011f

file name: Alejandro Paul Piel Script 2013

file name: Alejandro Paul Piel Script 2013b

file name: Berton Hasebe Alda 2011

file name: Rui Abreu Aria Pro 2011

file name: Robert Slimbach Garamond Premier Pro 1992 2004

file name: Robert Slimbach Garamond Premier Pro 1992 2004b

file name: Robert Slimbach Garamond Premier Pro 1992 2004d

file name: Robert Slimbach Garamond Premier Pro 1992 2004f

file name: Robert Slimbach Garamond Premier Pro Greek 1992 2004

file name: T D C2006 Robert Slimbach Garamond Premier Pro

file name: House Eames Century Modern Stencil Stencil 2010b

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html