TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:24:48 EDT 2025






Martina Flor

Independent Argentinian designer (b. 1982) who was an assistant in the graphic design program at the University of Buenos Aires from 2003 until 2009. Graduate of the Masters program in type design at KABK, 2010. Martina set up her own Martina Flor Type Foundry in 2014. She presently lives in Berlin and teaches type design at Dessau where she initiated and manages Kurz Project in Type Design.

Author of The Golden Secrets of Lettering (Princeton Architectural Press and Thames & Hudson, 2017). Cofounder of the online competition Lettering versus calligraphy.

At KABK, she created the script family Supernova (2010) for packaging and signage. Supernova can be bought at Typotheque. Read about it here.

Her other lettering work is special too---I particularly appreciate her wedding cards for Mariana and Nacho. She did a revival of Berthold's Augustea in 2009, while still at KABK.

At her own foundry, in 2014, she published the connected handwriting font family Wonderhand (2014)---it has three axes of parameters, thickness, width and slope (0, 20 or 40 degrees).

In 2018, Martina Flor and Neil Summerour (Positype) published the layerable Tuscan typeface family Decorata. In 2019, the same duo released Ribbons at Positype.

Typecache link. Behance link. Home page. Speaker at ATypI 2014 in Barcelona. Speaker at ATypI 2016 in Warsaw on Telling good from bad Lettering. Keynote speaker at TypeCon 2017 in Boston.

Martina Flor
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Calligraphic typefaces ⦿ Type design in Argentina ⦿ Signage typefaces ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Tuscan fonts ⦿

file name: Positype Ribbons 2019

file name: Positype Ribbons 2019 327376 002

file name: Martina Flor Neil Summerour Decorata 2018 278671

file name: Martina Flor Neil Summerour Decorata 2018 278672

file name: Martina Flor Neil Summerour Decorata 2018 278677

file name: Martina Flor Neil Summerour Decorata 2018 278680

file name: Martina Flor Neil Summerour Decorata 2018 278681

file name: Martina Flor Neil Summerour Decorata 2018 278682

file name: Martina Flor Neil Summerour Decorata 2018

file name: Martina Flor The Golden Secrets Of Lettering 2017

file name: Martina Flor Augustea Revival 2010

file name: Martina Flor Wonderhand 2014

file name: Martina Flor Wonderhand Extra Cond0 2014

file name: Martina Flor Wonderhand Extra Cond40 2014

file name: Martina Flor Wonderhand Medium0 2014

file name: Martina Flor Wonderhand Semi Cond20 Bold 2014

file name: Martina Flor Mariana Nacho Wedding 2010

file name: Martina Flor Mariana Nacho Wedding 2010b

file name: Martina Flor Pic by Petra Bella

file name: Martina Flor Lettering 2012

file name: Martina Flor Supernova 2012b

file name: Martina Flor Supernova 2012c

file name: Martina Flor Supernova 2010d

file name: Martina Flor Supernova 2010e

file name: Martina Flor Supernova 2010f

file name: Martina Flor Supernova 2010g

file name: Martina Flor Supernova 2012k

file name: Martina Flor Supernova 2010h

file name: Martina Flor Supernova 2010i

file name: Martina Flor Supernova 2010j

file name: Martina Flor Calligraphy 2013

file name: Martina Flor Albert Jan Pool Talk A Typ I 2014

file name: Martina Flor Gerard Unger Talk A Typ I 2014

file name: Martina Flor Nikola Djurek Talk A Typ I 2014

file name: Martina Flor Pic

file name: Martina Flor Pic

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html