TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:25:03 EDT 2025






Matthias Luh

German designer Matthias Luh set up the Mathhias Luh Foundry in 2010 in Karlsruhe. His first batch of typefaces, all dated 2010, includes Electric Typewriter (a fat rounded but squarish face), Cash Point Mono (dot matrix face), Rough Bits (grunge), Matthew's Scribblings (scribbled hand), Autumn Leaves (hand-printed), Modern Curves (organic sans), Peanutz (hand-printed), Matthew's Text (hand-printed and grungy), and Mandala FX (comic book face).

Later typefaces: Typewriter BasiX (2011, old typewriter), Take Some Notes (2011, notebook face), Skribblex (2011, scribbly face), Typewriter Revo (2011), Lisa's Hand (2012), Look At Me (2012, +Outline: cartoonish), 19th Century Retro (2012, blackletter), 14 Segment LED Display (2013), Bunny Mambo (2014), Paintbrushdd (2015), Blitzeffekt (octagonal), Scratch That (a sketched 16-style font family), Zombie Apocalypse (2016), Typewriter DirtY.

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Matthias Luh
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Commercial fonts (small outfits) ⦿ Pixel/bitmap fonts ⦿ Handwriting fonts ⦿ Comic/cartoon fonts ⦿ Typewriter fonts ⦿ Monospaced fonts ⦿ Blackletter fonts ⦿ LED / LCD fonts ⦿ Brush script typefaces ⦿ Octagonal typefaces ⦿ Sketched typefaces ⦿

file name: Matthias Luh Typewriter Dirt Y 2021 1

file name: Matthias Luh Typewriter Dirt Y 2021 2

file name: Matthias Luh Typewriter Dirt Y 2021

file name: Matthias Luh Zombie Apocalypse 2016 206515

file name: Matthias Luh Zombie Apocalypse 2016 206522

file name: Matthias Luh Zombie Apocalypse 2016

file name: Matthias Luh Scratch That 2015 198507

file name: Matthias Luh Scratch That 2015

file name: Matthias Luh Look At Me 2012

file name: Matthias Luh Scribblex 2011

file name: Matthias Luh Lisa 2012

file name: Matthias Luh 19th Century Retro 2012

file name: Matthias Luh 19th Century Retro 2012b

file name: Matthias Luh 14 Segment L E D Display 2013

file name: Matthias Luh Paintbrushdd 2015

file name: Matthias Luh Blitzeffekt 2015 184544

file name: Matthias Luh Blitzeffekt 2015 184546

file name: Matthias Luh Blitzeffekt 2015

file name: Matthias Luh Typewriter Revo 2011

file name: Matthias Luh Typewriter Revo 2011b

file name: Matthias Luh Typewriter Basi X 2011

file name: Matthias Luh Typewriter Basi X 2011b

file name: Matthias Luh Electric Typewriter 2010

file name: Matthias Luh Matthews Scribblings 2010

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html