TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Wed Mar 5 11:09:36 EST 2025






Dave Savage

Savage Monsters Industries is Dave Savage, a one man studio specializing in fun graphics for web and print. Products and services include illustration, graphic design, original fonts, hand lettering, and animation, Dave Savage's work has shown in gallery shows in New York, Los Angeles, Kansas City, DC, Atlanta, Durham, Cleveland, and Seattle. The Savage Monsters Secret Lair is currently located in the Pacific Northwest, but was oroginally in Los Angeles. He has been creating fonts since 1994. These are mainly grungy, scary and comic book typefaces.

Typefaces in alphabetic order: BackwaterSaint, BlockoEmpty, BlockoSolid, BlockoSupremo, Bloodsnot, Burnout, CheapFantasy, Cluck, Comic, Creepy, Enchilada, FancyTrashBag, FancyTrashDiamond, FancyTrashJewel, FancyTrashNeon, Fiendish, FonziesErawaxEmporium, Gladwell, GladwellDisintegrated, GoonheadDeluxe, GrafIcks, GreekFreak, IndustrialSpill, IronSpleen, KookyKarakturs, LardoDeluxe, MidnightCoffee, NuggetBoy, Pirate, PortlyShoplifter, SavageBlock, SavageMonsters, Scratch, SlimShoplifter, SpikedPunch, SuggestionBox, UphillBattle, WiggleVision, Zombie.

In 2018, Aaron Bell and Dave Sac=vage co-designed Industrial Spill, Tipsy Waitress (beatnik, cartoonish) and Super Chill MC.

Dave Savage
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Type scene in California ⦿ Comic/cartoon fonts ⦿ Horror fonts ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Neon tube or faux neon typefaces ⦿

file name: Dave Savage Zombie

file name: Dave Savage Backwater Saint

file name: Dave Savage Blocko Empty

file name: Dave Savage Blocko Solid

file name: Dave Savage Blocko Supremo

file name: Dave Savage Bloodsnot

file name: Dave Savage Burnout

file name: Dave Savage Cheap Fantasy

file name: Dave Savage Cluck

file name: Dave Savage Comic

file name: Dave Savage Creepy

file name: Dave Savage Enchilada

file name: Dave Savage Fancy Trash Bag

file name: Dave Savage Fancy Trash Diamond

file name: Dave Savage Fancy Trash Jewel

file name: Dave Savage Fancy Trash Neon

file name: Dave Savage Fiendish

file name: Dave Savage Fonzies Erawax Emporium

file name: Dave Savage Gladwell

file name: Dave Savage Gladwell Disintegrated

file name: Dave Savage Goonhead Deluxe

file name: Dave Savage Graf Icks

file name: Dave Savage Greek Freak

file name: Dave Savage Industrial Spill

file name: Dave Savage Iron Spleen

file name: Dave Savage Kooky Karakturs

file name: Dave Savage Lardo Deluxe

file name: Dave Savage Midnight Coffee

file name: Dave Savage Nugget Boy

file name: Dave Savage Pirate

file name: Dave Savage Portly Shoplifter

file name: Dave Savage Savage Block

file name: Dave Savage Savage Monsters

file name: Dave Savage Scratch

file name: Dave Savage Slim Shoplifter

file name: Dave Savage Spiked Punch

file name: Dave Savage Suggestion Box

file name: Dave Savage Uphill Battle

file name: Dave Savage Wiggle Vision

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html