TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Mon Mar 3 11:24:55 EST 2025






Uwe Borchert

German type designer and software expert who offers his fonts for free. He is mostly doing revivals, and started in 2010. His typefaces:

  • Neu5Land (2018). Based on the Schmale Erbar Grotesk (Jakob Erbar, 1922ff) that was very popular on signs in the former German Democratic Republic / Deutsche Demokratische Repubik.
  • Bstyle (2013). A squarish typeface family, perhaps a revival of Binder Style which Joseph Binder cut for the Stempel foundry ca. 1959.
  • Schilder Grotesk (2012). Based on the old handlettered road signs in Karlsruhe.
  • ST37K and ST32K (2010). Based on Stahl by Rudolf Koch (1933). Other digital versions of Stahl, but inadquate according to Borchert, include CG Lisbon and Lydian.
  • Saarland (2010). Based on hand-lettered typefaces on factory walls and propaganda posters from the 1930th in Germany and Czechia. In this genre, see also Iwan Reschniev (2008, Sebastian Nagel), Teuton (Storm), Stahlbeton (2005, Patric Schwarz), Stahlbetonträger (2008, Nils von Blanc), Urban Constructed (Nils von Blanc) and Nonstop (Jakob Fischer).
  • Plakative Grotesk (2010). A geometric poster face. In this style, see also Pilsen Plakat (Dieter Steffmann), Steelfish (Ray Larabie) and Placard MT Condensed. Uwe Borchert added Sturkopf Grotesk in 2013.
  • Grabstein Grotesk (2010). A geometric poster face. In this style, see also Iwan Reschniev (2008, Sebastian Nagel), and Teuton (Storm).
  • Mops Antiqua (2010). Or Pug Serif. A quaint serif typeface for menus. Similar typefaces include Chesterfield Antique (Alan Meeks), Chelsea (Dieter Steffmann) and Cheboygan (Christine Mauerkirchner and Rainer Grunert Schwalbach).
  • Fabrik (2012). A grotesk family based on Beteckna by Johan Mattsson. He calls it a real Deutsche Grotesk of the 1920s, with many influences of Bauhaus like Paul Renner's Bahnhofsfutura (1924), Erbar Grotesk, Drescher Grotesk BT, and Dr. Klein's numbers for the German highways. Similar typefaces include Verlag (Hoefler), Drescher Grotesk (Arno Drescher), and Universalis ADF (by Arkandis).
  • Jakob (2010). A grotesk inspired by Jakob Erbar's typeface Erbar Grotesk and the first versions of DIN Fette Engschrift. Similar typefaces include Verlag (Hoefler), Avenir (Adrian Frutiger), Erbar Grotesk (Jakob Erbar), Drescher Grotesk (Arno Drescher), and Universalis ADF (by Arkandis).
  • Tattoo U (2012).
  • Capitalis Minimalis (2012). A Trajan caps face.

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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ German type scene ⦿ Sites with only a few free fonts ⦿ Bauhaus and type design ⦿ Art deco typefaces ⦿ Typefaces inspired by the Trajan column in Rome ⦿ Tattoo fonts ⦿ Dieter Steffmann ⦿

file name: Uwe Borchert Catalog

file name: Uwe Borchert Neu5 Land 2018

file name: Uwe Borchert Neu5 Land Bold 2018

file name: Uwe Borchert Neu5 Land Normal 2018

file name: Uwe Borchert B Style 2013 after Joseph Binder Binder Style 1959

file name: Uwe Borchert B Style 2013 after Joseph Binder Binder Style 1959b

file name: Uwe Borchert Sturkopf Grotesk 2013

file name: Uwe Borchert Sturkopf Grotesk 2013b

file name: Uwe Borchert Jakob 2010

file name: Uwe Borchert Jakob 2010b

file name: Uwe Borchert Mops Antiqua 2010b

file name: Uwe Borchert Mops Antiqua 2010d

file name: Uwe Borchert Mops Antiqua 2010c

file name: Uwe Borchert Plakative Grotesk 2010

file name: Uwe Borchert Saarland 2010

file name: Uwe Borchert Saarland 2010d

file name: Uwe Borchert Saarland 2010c

file name: Uwe Borchert Schilder Grotesk 2012

file name: Uwe Borchert St32k 2010

file name: Uwe Borchert St32k 2010b

file name: Uwe Borchert Capitalis Minimalis 2012

file name: Uwe Borchert Fabrik 2012

file name: Uwe Borchert Fabrik 2012b

file name: Uwe Borchert Grabstein Grotesk 2010

file name: Uwe Borchert Maybach Illustration 2012

file name: Uwe Borchert Tattoo U 2012

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html