TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Fri Mar 21 08:25:32 EDT 2025






Vladimir Tamari

Vladimir F. Tamari (d. August 6, 2017) was born in Palestine, he spent his youth in Ramallah, and has lived in Tokyo for the past 40 years. He studied physics and art at the American University of Beirut where he met and was inspired by Buckminster Fuller (around 1960). He invented and built 3D drawing instruments. In the 1980s he joined the Optical Society of America to keep up with the field and holds U.S. patents for inventions based on his Streamline Diffraction Theory to cancel diffraction in telescopes. He wrote Beautiful Universe: Towards Reconstructing Physics From New First Principles (2005). He paints in watercolors and has designed Arabic fonts for Adobe.

In 2005, he made Beautiful Universe, a physics symbol font designed to illustrate his physics theory.

He visited Monotype In the mid-sixties at which time he patented (in the UK in 1965) a scheme to abbreviate the number of shapes to print Arabic. He created AlQuds (Arabic) fonts for the Tasmeem Adobe InDesign add-on (in 2008). [AlQuds, meaning The Holy One, is the Palestinian Arab name for Jerusalem.] We had to wait until ca. 2015 before he published the AlQuds and AlQuds Monhani family of (modern sans) fonts in its full glory with Monotype.

In a separate effort, he designed three funky font families: Maribei (Arabic), Kweeky (matching Latin, also available as 5-layer 3D font sets), Monmon (Arabic).

Vladimir Tamari
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Type designers ⦿ Type designers ⦿ Typefaces and type design for Arabic ⦿ Type design in Japan ⦿ Dingbats (original) ⦿ Type design in Lebanon ⦿ Type design in Palestine ⦿ 3D fonts ⦿ Type design in Jordan ⦿ Watercolor brush script typefaces ⦿

file name: Vladimir Tamari Beautiful Universe 2005

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2008

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2008b

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2015

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2015b

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2015c

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2015d

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2015e

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2015f

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2015g

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2015h

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2015i

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2015j

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2015k

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2015l

file name: Vladimir Tamari Al Quds 2015m

Luc Devroye ⦿ School of Computer Science ⦿ McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 ⦿ lucdevroye@gmail.com ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org ⦿ https://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html